Stubborn and hard-hearted. - Can be at times
Ambitious and serious. - Not so much ambitious as drifter
Loves to teach and be taught. - I've always had that in me
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. - I suppose i do, but not all the time
Likes to criticize. - Sometimes
Hardworking and productive. Not really
Smart, neat and organized. - Good for a laugh i suppose
Sensitive and has deep thoughts. - Always
Knows how to make others happy. Not sure about that
Quiet unless excited or tensed. - I do tend to get a bit loud around friends
Rather reserved. - to those that i don't know
Highly attentive. i have to be, with my creative nature
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds - Well, i've never really gotten ill
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. - Sometimes
Loves children - Most definately
Loyal. - To those that treat me right
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. - Jealous yes, i can envy ohter people that seem more outgoing than me
Very Stubborn and money cautious. Stubborn yes, though i seem to have a problem with saving
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