Glee - Kurt/Blaine - Fanfiction

Dec 29, 2011 21:31

Fandom: Glee
Rating: G
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers: None, aside from a minor mention of 3x07
Warnings (if any): Oh Blainers.
Word Count: 1,400
Summary: Kurt's fed up of Blaine and his Katy Perry songs, so he demands Blaine find a new object of musical attention. Maybe not his best idea to date.
Author's Note: Secret Santana gift for jbiebergirlzforev on Tumblr. I am not a Justin Bieber fan, i'm afraid to say i simply cannot get into his music, however my Secret Santa was a massive fan so i decided to make her a Klaine fanvid to a Bieber song, and write this fic. I tried to be balanced in the views of Bieber, Kurt reflecting my own views and Blaine hopefully reflecting the views of jbiebergirlzforev, (but maybe a little less manic.)
(Should also note, my first ever fanfiction, like, in five years. So, yeah.)

“You’re so hypnotising, could you be the devil? Could you be an angel?  Your touch magnetizing, feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing-”

“Honey, as much as I love your voice, if you sing one more Katy Perry song I may be forced to stab you in the appendix with my eyeliner pencil,” Kurt smiles sweetly from his cross-legged position in front of his vanity, leaving Blaine pouting miserably, the bed still lightly bouncing from where he had been previously dancing madly on top.

“… Why my appendix?” Blaine asks, frowning in confusion as he steps down from Kurt’s bed, before flopping back lazily, his head hitting the pillows with a soft thwump.

“Because I love you, and though you may occasionally drive me to tears of madness, I’d never want to seriously harm you - you don’t even need your appendix anyway. Plus I’d probably be saving you from a future case of agony-ridden appendicitis. Also you’re pretty and I couldn’t even consider the idea of damaging your perfect manly face,” Kurt explains easily, fluttering his eyelashes in the mirror before brushing his hand lightly against his newly coiffed hair - checking the firmness of it, it just wouldn’t do to have a hair out of place after all.

“Thanks… I think?”

“You’re welcome sweetie.”

Frowning at the ceiling, a thought nagged at the front of his mind, bracing himself on his elbows Blaine caught his boyfriend’s eyes in the mirror, “What do you have against Katy anyway? She is a goddess.”

“Oh yes, I won’t dispute that, though she’ll never come close to Lady Gaga’s genius, it’s just… That’s ALL you sing Blaine, all the time. Any excuse to bash out a Katy Perry song and you’re there. I saw you when the girls did their rendition of ‘I Kissed a Girl’, you were sobbing on the inside, I could almost see the blood pouring out of your eyes when you realised you wouldn’t get to join in. It killed you. And don’t even try and deny it-” Kurt, holding one elegant hand up, cuts through when he sees his boyfriend open his mouth to argue, “I know you love and worship her, as I do the Lady, but at least I’m willing to branch out into different genres, different artists. Blaine, you really need to try listening to something else, something different and new.”

That makes Blaine’s mouth shut with an audible click, as a contemplative expressions sweeps over his face and his gaze falls to the bed sheets.

Immediately feeling guilty, Kurt moves from his bench and over so he’s lying alongside Blaine, pulling the other boy down flat so he can lay his head on his chest - it may mean he’ll have to do his hair again but it’s worth it to rid his boyfriend of that despondent expression he’s wearing - and gently draw patterns on his shirt with his index finger, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so haughty. Sometimes my superiority streak gets the best of me.”

“Hey, no. Don’t apologise, I know you meant well, you always do,” Blaine says softly, his fingers gently carding through Kurt’s hair - he knows he’ll get an earful for the damage caused later, but for now he was taking advantage of Kurt’s need to comfort.

Silence filled the room after those words, both boys content to just lie with the other in peace, Kurt relaxing until sleep overcame him while Blaine’s thoughts wandered, focusing on Kurt’s prior words.


“Madonna? Classic, but so over-played…. Bruno Mars? Great vocals, beautiful lyrics… Not me… Lady Gaga? Kurt might just actually go for my appendix if I made a move on his Lady…” Blaine sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping and collapsing back onto the back of his seat, ignoring the ominous creaking showing the age of his beloved desk chair.

“Nobody catches my interest quite like Katy,” Blaine bemoaned to his empty room, his eyes landing on his Katy Perry poster on his wardrobe doors, probably the only thing in his room that didn’t look like it had been stolen from the office of a 1950’s psychologist.

Looking back to his Spotify window, Blaine typed random letters into the search box, glancing sullenly at the suggested artists, until after five minutes of keyboard abuse - one name finally caught his attention.

After selecting the artist, and then pursuing some of their tracks, Blaine had immediately fallen in love. Proper head over heels in love. They would never be a Katy replacement, but this person would certainly dull the withdrawals that not singing to Katy Perry would naturally induce.

Wouldn’t Kurt be pleased?



Blaine grinned widely at Kurt who was standing at his front door - his expression one of absolute disgust tinged with horror. Grabbing his hand enthusiastically and dragging him inside, Blaine led Kurt into a dance, spinning him and lifting him into the air - Kurt may be taller than him, but he was a lot lighter and Blaine was a lot stronger.

“What are you-? Would you put me down- Blaine really who is that?” Kurt demanded, wriggling in his position above Blaine, his hands scrambling for purchase on Blaine’s shoulders as Blaine hugged him tightly to his chest, his arms wrapped under Kurt’s butt for support.

“It’s NOT Katy Perry! Aren’t you happy? I found someone new! And they’re a whole lot different! Mostly in terms of gender and age… but still!” Blaine grinned up at his boyfriend, who - now that Blaine properly looked - appeared rather peeved, and bristling, like a cat that’s just had water dumped on them.

“Ooookay, putting you down,” Blaine stated nervously, gently placing his boyfriend back on his feet, “What’s the matter? Aren’t you glad it’s not Katy I’m singing and dancing to?”

Kurt said nothing for a few moments, simply watching Blaine sway to and fro and move his body to the beat of the song, humming under his breath absently, “Blaine. That. That is Justin Bieber.”

“Yeah!” Blaine cheered.

“Sweetie, when I asked you to find someone new and different, I would have hoped the term ‘good’ was also clearly implied,” Kurt stated plainly.

“But he is good Kurt! So very very good! He’s a lyrical genius, and his songs are so true to the heart,” Blaine grabbed his boyfriend’s hands once again and danced them down the hallway into the living room where the music was louder and more intense - causing Kurt to glare fire and daggers at the stereo in the centre of the room.

Sighing at Kurt’s fierce glare, Blaine stepped over to the stereo and turned the music off, moving back to Kurt and taking his hands back into his own, he stared straight into Kurt’s stunning ocean blue eyes and sang softly, “For you, I’d be running a thousand miles, just to get you where you are.”

Kurt immediately loved Blaine’s slow smooth version a lot more, it was amazing really, how Blaine’s voice alone could make almost everything better.

“Step to the beat of my heart,” Blaine moved them both in a slow dance, leading Kurt leisurely around the room as he continued to gaze into his eyes.

“I don’t need a whole lot, but for you I admit I’d rather give you the world, or we can share mine,” at this Blaine smiled tenderly and leaned forward sweetly pressing his lips against Kurt’s, who happily responded, moaning quietly into the kiss before Blaine pulled away once more, “I know that I won’t be the first one giving you all this attention, but baby listen,” pulling Kurt close, Blaine moved his lips to Kurt’s ear and whispered the last lyrics, “I just need somebody to love.”

Sighing dreamily, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s shoulders, “Okay, you’ve convinced me. Bieber can stay…. For now anyway.”

Blaine squeezed Kurt happily, before pulling away and grinning ecstatically, “Great! You won’t regret it!”

Running back to the stereo, Blaine turned the music back on full volume and continues his solo dance around the room, leaping onto as many pieces of furniture as were within his reach, “I just need somebody to loveeeeeeee! I-I don’t need too much, just somebody to love! Somebody to loveeeeeeee! I don’t need nothing else, I promise girl I swear, I just need somebody to loveeeee!”

Face-palming, Kurt groans at his boyfriend’s antics, “Regretting it already.”

kurt/blaine, fanfiction, glee

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