
Apr 04, 2014 15:25

 Nemesis Application  
Please refrain from submitting any personal information. I'd much rather find that out on my own.

List any aliases you may have.
If you do not have an alias, please put down what you'd like to be referred to as.

Your Gender:
Male  //  Female  // Prefer not to disclose

Your Age:
 - 20  //  21 - 40  //  41 - 60  // 61 +  //  Prefer not to disclose

High School  //  Technical School  // College  // University  // Prefer not to disclose

List any special skills and/or abilities that you have.

Explain any experience with weapons/explosions/chemicals/combat/etc.

Motivation isn't necessary but feel free to express your interest for this position.
[ Optional ]

nemesis job application, bored bored bored

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