I need help ironing out story kinks and stuff. I will probably shorten whatever text I can when I make the actual bubbles.
FIRST: Going to add about 2 pages of Dorothy and Kirby walking/skating to school so you know who they are.
Panel one: EXT Elementary School (Harrison Ford Elementary?)
PRINCIPAL: Good morning students. This is your principal speaking./
Today's menu will be chick kabobs, lunch loaf, and cheese caserole.
Panel two: Classroom. ALl the kids.
PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to Britney Gallows for turning in the names of the students involved in the illegal cootie catcher and finger football smuggling ring.
BRITNEY: Shucks everyone, your attention is all I-
PRINCIPAL: Also, happy birthday to Carter Seaberry. Come to my office today for a free pencil.
Panel three:
PANEL FOUR: Britney shoots Carter DAGGER EYES
CARTER: THANKS, TEAM. I'm giving this b-day 110% 'cause I don't know when it will come around again!
Panel one:
BRITNEY: How come birthdays are so great?? My mom stopped having them at 39.
Panel two: Emaline, kirby, and dorothy
EMALINE: It was tricky picking out a present for Carter/
KIRBY: I know. He made a fortune when he sued that book publishing company for stealing his likeness.
Panel three: A mr. man book that looks strangely like Carter. Its called "MR. HELD-BACK-A-GRADE"
Panel four:
Emaline: I got him a football but you can put your name on the card since we're best friends.
DOROTHY: I never said-
Panel five: Kirby talks to Emaline. Dorothy leans back in her chair to give the gift to Carter.
KIRBY: Actually, Dorothy and I already made Carter a present.
DOROTHY: It’s a cootie catcher … it will tell you the name of who you’re going to marry!
Panel six: Carter is making the face he makes in the mr. man book
CARTER: Just like they do in India!!
This is a better gift than the tiny hat mom gave me.
Panel one:
BRITNEY: Hey kid! Look!
AIMEE: How come you don’t know my name yet?
Panel two:
BRITNEY: Its a cootie catcher!
Panel three:
DOROTHY: OKAY, Pick a color
Panel four:
BRITNEY: Teacher teacher I have to see Principal!
Panel five: Mr. Woodmancy sits at his desk and wistfully looks at a picture of a sailboat.
WOODMANCY: *Sigh* Good times... good, Maritimes. / What is it, Britney?
(Across this there are either four small panels showing the cootie catcher opening and closing that say B L O O, or there are just four word bubbles because of the page 5 gag)
Panel six:
Emaline: Kirby, that cootie catcher doesn't seem very accurate to me, / and besides, I thought the three of us were going to get Carter a gift together.
KIRBY: We just thought maybe we'd know what he wants better since we're the same age as him.
Panel seven:
EMALINE: I'm the same age as you guys, Im just tall.
This milk has hormones. This milk doesn’t have hormones. / I’m only nine, I don’t know the difference!
Panel one: Dor. and Carter
DOROTHY: OKAY, now pick a number!
Carter: THREE
Panel two: Emaline a little sad
Panel three: Kirby biting his nails
Panel four: The principal busts in on them all with brittney behind
PRINCIPAL : THREE! I mean... Freeze! / Hand me that cootie catcher!
Panel five:
DOROTHY: That's not fair its his birthday!
Panel six:
PRINCIPAL: Oh goodness! How could I forget!
Panel one: Principal holds a pencil for carter
PRINCIPAL: One to grow on, sailor!
CARTER: Brutal!
Panel two:
CARTER: Its not my future spouse but at least now I'll be ready to keep a C average and stay on the team.
Panel three: Principal stands by a pnumatic tube system with the cootie catcher
PRINCIPAL: I know just where ths cootie catcher will go: The Pneumatic Underground Removal PipeLine
Panel four: he puts it in a canister
Panel five: canister goes in the system
Panel six: its wooshed away as he brushes his hands together JOB WelL DONE
(Across those three panels he spells out P U R P L like the BLOO)
Panel 1 and 2
Good! No more distractions I hope!
Mr. Woodmancy, resume class!
Panel three: Ext. of the school:
WOODMANCY: Great flying foxes of Indonesia have six foot wingspans.
Panel four: Mr Woodmancy teaching
WOODMANCY: The bumblebee bat of Thailand weighs less than a penny and is the smallest mammal ever.
Carter, please do not jump out that window.
Panel five: Carter stops himself.
CARTER: My bad, coach.
Panel : Kirby! Don't you take notes?
Panel: Kirby: Don't gotta! Someone highlighted the important parts already!
DOROTHY: AUGH! Britney is such a bloodclot, I hate her!
EMALINE: I know you think Britney is such a bleep-clot and you bleep her, but I just found something!
Panel one:
EMALINE: The highlighted parts are CODE from a previous student who found where PURPL goes!! The way to the confiscated items will be revealed when the planets align in Mrs. Cromtards class.
DOROTHY: We should go there right now!
EMALINE: No we shouldn't, we've both class right now.
DOROTHY: It's a sign! The planets are aligning already!
KIRBY: Why were any of those words in a textbook about bats, anyway?
EMALINE: You guys are going to get in so much trouble!
DOROTHY: You're right Em, this is gonna be awesome!
EM: You're not even listening to me.
EMALINE: Dog. Fish. Casette.
KIRBY: No Emaline, thank you.
DOROTHY: MR Woodmancy, may Kirby and I have a hall pass?
KIRBY: I can't believe Mr. Woodmancy let us share a hallpass, isn't that weird?
DOROTHY : I think he forgets you're a boy.
Dorothy: A solar system mobile! I think I found another one of those glues.
KIRBY: Clues, Dorothy.
DOROTHY: That can't be right, that's a board game.
DOROTHY: The next clue is inside the sun!
KIRBY: Thats great, but someone is coming!
Is this sun-sect joke thing retarded?
Panel 2
C: You cursed brats!
Darksome night and shining moon,
what goes on in my classroom?
D: Oh no! It's empty! Not even candy!
C: You broke my sun!
K: N-no ma'am! It was an accident!
C: Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents, too!