Rat Eat Rat

Oct 16, 2004 18:44

We have to make political commercials for American Studies. Why? I don't know. Doesn't the world have enough political commercials right now? I agree. So anyway, I'm working with Amiee. Sigh. Our assignment is Van Buren (aka Old Kinderheart or OK). A little disclaimer on that nickname, I might be getting wrong.

My progress report was so good I was able to convince mom to take me to the used book store where I traded in my Anne Rice books and all my other unwanted paper backs for 9 dollars store credit. I then proceeded to buy:
Different Seasons by Stephen King
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
There's Treasure Everywhere: A Calvin and Hobbes book (I am a freak!)

Don't ask me why I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. It's one of the books Juniors are supposed to read, it's like a law, along with the Scarlet Letter. For some reason or other my English teacher has decided our classes reading level is not high enough for us to appreciate those books. So I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. So far, two or three pages in, it sort of reminds me of Rage from the Bachman Books. Only a lot older. So it sounds good, which is very surprising since it's a school book.

The really cute puppy the neighbours got killed the Adventurous chicken. She a chicken apart from the flock. The one always willing to go her own way and express her independence and unique genius. Unfortunately that's kind of what got her killed, since we'd always just let her stay out as long as she wanted while we put the others back in the coop. There's some sort of symbolism in this I'm sure. I'm just too lazy to look into it.

I'm writing a practice novella for NaNo. I'm borrowing 'Cuno's characters Rasputin and Nuke Rastinyevsky and sticking them in with a few of my own characters in a floating boarding school. I'm actually basing this off a dream. I'm going to write it in parts and put it out over the email group so I can pretend I'm doing a serial novel. Ha ha.

I am DeDreamer and I approve this message.
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