So, I get a Twitter account in order to make Facebook and Buzz updates from my phone, and then I promptly stop using Livejournal.
But I am back, because noone will keep me to 140 characters, damn it. My words need room to grow, mature, spread, and infect.
Here is my current situation.
TDP: We are going to have a little bit of a slower year this year, partly from exhaustion from the
Twelve Days Project last year. We just did a big show at State Theatre in Falls Church, we are doing a show Mar 26th in DC at Velvet Lounge, and then our first trip out of town this year to play Arlene's Grocery in NYC on April 2nd. Hope to see you guys at a show soon.
Speaking of April 2nd, the band I have been acting as producer for the last year,
Cassandra Syndrome, has their biggest show yet on that night at Rams Head Live in Baltimore. If you aren't going to NYC to see us, you should check them out. They are amazing. Their new album "Satire X" comes out later this year, and I am pretty damned excited and proud of it. They are a blast to work with.
I have also been doing alot of my own music. I have been writing alot, and learning to approximate singing (and guitar playing). My hope is to eventually put a full band together outside of TDP, but for now, I'll be working the singer/songwriter route. I have done some open mics, and it has gone really well. I have my first solo show coming up April 9th at
Cristina's Cafe in Strasburg VA. I know some family will be there, and a couple friends. Not many people have heard me sing, let alone my own tunes, so I hope everyone sets their expectations as low as they can, so that I may exceed them.
There are a couple other odds and ends. Lani is learning ukulele, and helping me with my music. There is a celtic band I have jammed with recently, and hope to do so regularly. TDP has been training a stand in cellist, and while he is no Ben, we think he is pretty cool.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. When I have a website and everything setup for my stuff, I'll be sure to pimp it on here, Twitter, FB, Buzz, smoke signals, ESP, carrier pigeon, and possibly, Youtube. Still working on that last one.
Rock on, my droogies. I miss you all. At least, most of you.