So, leaving Flagstaff soon. Going to drive through Sedona again, and this time get pictures. Then a flight from Phoenix, to Atlanta, to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and then home.
Got to visit the Lowell Observatory last night. No pictures, but we had a great time. Nice presentation on how much we know about our universe. Very moving. Lani teared up a little. Going to have to watch the old Carl Sagan shows with her. And the Powers of 10 videos.
Got to look through the Clark 24" telescope. I think thats the one they found Jupiter with. Silly little dwarf planet.
Anyway, here is Chapter 4 of my novel. The even chapters are all going to be shorter than the odd ones. And how odd...
Chapter 4
"Sir, I heard from Burrito. Jupiter Kelly has landed, and is at the Red Lion Hotel. He is drunk, and will be asleep for many hours. I will make contact with him as soon as he makes contact with Burrito tomorrow."
"Excellent. What time is it, anyway?"
"It is 3am, sir."
"And you couldn't wait until our morning briefing to tell me all of this?"
"Well... sir... I figured the momentous nature of this event warranted waking you."
"I understand your enthusiam, Little Brother. But let's keep our heads about us. There is nothing I can do with that information at 3 fucking AM, nothing more, at least, than I could do with it at our morning briefing in four fucking hours. Mr. Jupiter Kelly is not in town to chase common sense from our hallowed halls, is he now, Little Brother?"
"No... sir.. I... I'm sorry... I..."
"Shut up. So let's be rational, reasonable people, and let sleeping that needs to happen, happen. Understand, you little piece of miserable shit?"
"Y.. Yes sir. I am very sorry."
"Good. Now let me sleep."
"Um, sir?
"What is it, Little Brother?"
"Your verbal abuse has aroused me considerably. Might I strip and be punished like the miserable piece of shit I am right now?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Shut up."
"Yes sir."
"Sorry, sir."
".... I swear to..."
"Good night, sir."