Best. Saturday. Ever.

Oct 24, 2010 08:11

Started off yesterday by heading out to Meteor Crater. Great museum, great guides, fantastic views. Very moving. Only missed the creation of it by 50,000 years. So close. Called my dad from the rim, just share the experience.
Headed back to Flagstaff. Ate lunch at a burger place called Bun Huggers. Saw some nice buns. And burgers.
Stopped at Walmart to buy flashlights. Needed them for the next trip.
Hiked all the way down Lava River Cave. Life changing. Especially turning off the lights three quarters of a mile underneath the earth. Need better shoes next time, and there will be a next time.
On a tip from truckerspike, went to Black Barts Steakhouse, Saloon, and Musical Revue for dinner. Tasty steak and showtunes. Nobody can be part of the waitstaff unless they could pull their own weight in at least a local production of a musical. A perfect end to a perfect day.

Posted via LjBeetle
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