(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 17:10

Things haven't gone as I once expected them to around the last time I posted here. But...seriously...I can't and won't complain. I'm happy as hell.

Still living in this ghetto ass apartment, but it's whatever. The location doesn't bother me a fuckin' bit.

I'm working at Wal-Mart. Yet again with the lame corperate jobs, but fuck it...they get the bills paid. And, for once with someplace I work...I actually get credit for a hard days work...and I get thanked for everything I do. It certainly helps with wanting to go back to work and do it all over again the next day. I also have my managers saying that when my six months have come by (end of this month) to start applying for management...because I apparantly have the hardworking ideals that they love. So, fuckin' hell. I'm going for the gold here so to speak.

In other news. Yeah. In case you didn't know...Jeanette and I ended things for good. But, it's whatever. I was heartbroken at first, but in the end...I thought about things...and they didn't hurt anywhere near how they probably should've.

But, as bad as things seemed for about a month there...a wish of sorts came true...and I have a new girlfriend (Randi)...and for the last three days...I've been nothing but smiles. I actually have someone that appreciates me for me, and the things I do. And, dammit...it feels nice. I'm getting what I deserve. And, as I said...it's a damn good feeling.
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