
Jan 29, 2006 14:35

Bored...finally have a day off...and I just have this to post.

Full Name- Justin Lacy Paschall
Nick Name- Death, Enigma, The Messiah, new ones are Chimney, and Kitty Litter (as par my New Orleans visit)
Birthday- 05-24-1983
Age- 22
Grade- Been out of school for 3 and a half years now.
Hometown- San Antonio, Texas
Height- 6'0"
Hair Color- Black, with my natural roots
Eye Color- Brown that fades into green (change different colors depending on mood)
Siblings- None by blood

Best Friend- Gino, Rob, Blue, Mouse, Ryan, June, Carlo, Sara
Car- 1998 Chevy Cavalier (it sucks)
Real break up- First was Brittany...but you could count Lindsay too...considering she was my first g/f.
Screen name- Trendkiller4life
Self purchased album- I think it was a Metallica album
Funeral- My grandpa Hugh
Pet- My cat Ralph (I miss that little turd so much...she was the ultimate sweetheart)
Big Trip- Either to Orlando, Flordia (to Disney), or North Carolina
Music you remember hearing in your house- Sabbath, ACDC...etc...old school rock

Car ride- This morning...home from work
Kiss- This morning...cuddling with Jeanette before bed
Good Cry- Can't remember
Movie- Last night...I watched THE STAND
Beverage- water or Mt. Dew
Food- Steak with corn and baked potatoes
Crush- Before Jeanette I had a few
Phone Call- Can't remember...I think it was my mom
Time Showered- Last night before work
Shoes Worn- The same damned boots
Item Bought- Mt. Dew and a snickers

Where is your favorite place to shop- Dont have a preference
Tattoo/Piercing- 2 tats...hate piercings
What Kind of shampoo do you use- Aussie
How long are your showers- 15-30 minutes

Do you do drugs- Not really anymore...but if I can sneak 'em in...I just may
What are you listening to right now- My typing
Where do you want to get married- I would prefer a park, or someplace out in the get married in Japan, or Ireland would be awesome
How many buddies are online right now- None...not on my messengers
What would you change about yourself- Weight, more tats, debts, have more money, different car

Color- Black, red, and gray
Food- Steak, pasta, rice
Boys Names- Anubis, Seth, Dorian, Osiris...
Girls Names- Astaryth, Isis...
Subject in School- History
Sport- Pro-wrestling, full contact martial arts, mixed martial arts...etc
Game- None
Band- Deicide, Nevermore, Alice In Chains, Kataklysm, Pantera, nile, Hypocrisy...
TV Show- Simpsons
Smell- Love Spell, Phoenix Axe, Lavender...
Month- Autumn and Winter months

Taken a Bath with Someone- Yup
Smoked- Dur
Made Yourself throw up- Nope
Skinny Dipped- Yes
Pictured a Crush naked- Well...I have before
Actually seen a crush naked- A few of them
Cried when someone Died- Yea
Lied- Who doesn't?
Fallen for your best friend- A few times
Rejected Someone- Yes
Used Someone- Yea
Done something you regret- More than a few times

Clothes- Muscle shirt, and shorts
Music- None
Make up- WTF? No way.
Favorite Artist- Carlo De La Cruz
Money in wallet- About $50
Mood- Waking up

Hugged- Jeanette
You IMed- Catn remember...June I think
Kissed- Jeanette
Called- My mom
Yelled at- Ummm...
Texted- Don't text

Open Minded- Pretty much
Arrogant- an extent
Interesting- I don't feel I am
Moody- I can be
Hardworking- I wish I didn't have to be
Organized- Somewhat
Healthy- Kinda
Bored- Most times
Responsible- Usually
Angry- Most of the time
Sad- It's a problem
Disappointed- In some stuff
Hyper- Usually never
Trusting- Not very
Talkative- Only when I rant
Legal- Yup

Kill- Plenty of people...lets just say...half of the human race
Slap- Slapping is not good enough...impaling is far better
Talk to online- Dunno
Sex up- Jeanette...who else?

Coke or Pepsi- FAYGO mutha fucka
Flowers or Candy- Both
Tall or short- medium
Thick or thin- Usually doesn't matter.

In the Morning I - Want more sleep...and I need to piss
What do you notice on a person first- Eyes, legs, etc
Who is the last person you danced with- Um...I don't remember
Who makes you smile- A few people...Jeanette and my friends
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them- Alot of people...but the feeling differs

Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you- Fuck no
Wish you were Younger- No!

I know...I really need to update people with my well-being, and what I've been up to...but I don't think too many people read this journal.
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