x-men: the last piece of crap

May 30, 2006 08:37

so last night i went and saw x-man 3. god, it was crap. in order to purge myself of its awfulness i will now bitch about some of the things that annoyed me the most:

1) way to end the series: everyone is either dead or has no powers. that was lame.
2)rogue being 'cured' of her powers when she didn't even have all of them yet! it was one thing screwing up her story in the first movie, but this was just too much.
3)the rogue/bobby/katie love triangle. what was the point? it was there for no reason and it didn't even get resolved.
4)juggernaut losing his powers in the boy's room. juggernaut isn't a mutant. retards.
5)the bit at the end, after the credits. i waited through the credits for that piece of shit? it screamed awfulness. loudly.
6) magneto's line "what have i done?". this rivals darth vader's "nooooo!" at the end of ep 3 as one of the lamest lines ever to be written into a movie. ian mckellen even delivered it unconvincingly, probably cos he knew that it was a totally crap line and felt shama at having to say it.

pretty much the whole movie was crap. what was most dissapointing was that it had so much potential. they just fucked it up. completely. as my brother said: "who wrote that? let's go and bash them".
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