Aug 27, 2007 16:34
I don't know what it is, but twice this week I've been getting these really bad headaches. First, my vision would get spotty and blurry for about an hour, and when this clears up, I have a really really bad headache for god knows how long. It's really really bad and I'm so miserable. I end up drugging myself and hope I can pass out. It's happened before, about twice in the past 10 years, and now it happened twice in one week. I might make an appointment with the doctor because I really really really do not want to go through that again....
It really disturbs me how many people love Outlander. It's an old book but I just recently came across it. The hero, Jamie, physically abuses his so called love, Claire, in a scene and leaves bruises. All kinds of readers are just raving the book and talking about how much they love each other, going on about all the sacrifices Jamie goes through for Claire. If you ask me that one split second sums up Jamie's personality. It's just like in real life. When someone asks you "If your lover cheated, would you take them back?" Some people actually say it depends! I don't get it! There should NEVER be an excuse for cheating or abuse. When you sign that marriage contract, you pledge your life to one person. People try to break it down and give excuses. If my husband ever cheats on me that's it. I might be able to forgive them but I'll never trust them again. You better believe there'll be a divorce because I'm not going to listen to any excuses. I don't get the level people are willing to sink just to have someone in their life. I've had so many people offer up excuses for Jamie that's it not even funny. Really really really disturbs me. Anyway... my rant for the week...
I finally got my new phone! It's a sync and it's a lot bigger than I thought...but I can learn to live with it. And I also got unlimited text! Yay! So text me!