Apologies if you've already seen this, as it's been posted to fanfiction.net, but I know not everyone frequents the site.
I've just completed the longest Psych fic of my career, so far, and wanted to archive it here. It's entitled "Handcuffed to the Metaphorical Radiator, and it was written as a giftfic for fmapreshwab on ffn.net (a wonderful author, by the way!) who wanted a story where Juliet hears Chief Vick's story about handcuffing her former alcoholic partner to a radiator - and instead of getting Lassiter a woman, she schemes to put him together with Shawn.
So here it is, in all its ten-chapters of glory. (plus an outtake.)
Chapter One: Of Daydreaming and MatchmakingChapter Two: Of White Lies and Homemade LasagneChapter Three: Of Lightbulbs and Locked RoomsChapter Four: Of Thirsty Horses and the Elephant in the RoomChapter Five: Of Confinement and Carlton's ListChapter Six: Of Love Agape and Psychic BravadoChapter Seven: Of Breathless Impacts and Near ConfessionsChapter Eight: Of Consequences and The End of the World as We Know ItChapter Nine: Of Kisses and CompromisesChapter Ten: Of Level Green D and Wrapping Up Loose EndsChapter Eleven: Of Gratiude and Outtakes!