Feb 28, 2010 03:25
So lets get this major story out of the way.
After I got over my food poisoning, I thought I got a hemrhoid. Yeah, its one of THOSE stories. So after a few days, it got bigger, and more painful, to the point of debilitating agony, even whilst working. Went to my doctor, he looked at it and said, Not a rhoid. Oh boy. Its a skin infection. An abcess. He gave me meds. 3 days in, it got BIGGER and started to bleed a bit. Went it, got surgery, removed it, felt better. Had to wear gauze and maxi pads to keep the drainage from the hole in my skin from leaking all over. 3 days later, I wake up feeling sweaty, thinking I was just moving around. I go to check my wound, and theres blood EVERYWHERE in my pants. Like, I was dripping all over the floor. I paniced. My mom paniced. I dry heaved for 5 mins while she called an ambulance. Mind you, this is the morning most of NE was without power. As the EMTs arrived and handed me a trauma rag, power came on. Went in, got fixed. Apparently, a blood clot had burst from my wound. It looked worse than it actually was. Regardless, I was freaked. Still am. So its been only a day or 2, and Im getting better. The hole is sealing up and my ass is in a little less pain. Now and again, about 3-4 times a day I have to rinse it, clean it, regauze it and lay down.
Most likely flunking out of this semester due to extended abcense. I could care less, but my parents spent money, so Imma try and keep up with as much as I can. Which isnt workin too well.
Regardless, my boss has been very understanding, and thankfully is giving me time off. Should I be dropped from school, I'll immediately be going to full time work and agfter 3 months I get med benefits.
So other than that, I go see Liferuiner friday, health permitting. Been playing WOW a lot, and been remaking muisc with Renoise. This program fucking rules. Ive been looking at making my songs a little more emotionally charged, so Imma have to rework some lyrics, but it should be fun.
Other than that, Im tired as fuck, Im afraid to fall asleep for long periods unattended, and I grow bitter towards myself, and everything, just because I happen to have the most unfortunate luck. Eh, I hope everyone else is doing good.
I hope I can get some songs done so I can chill with Taylor and write guitar. Otherwise, when Im better and able to raise my voice, scream, etc, Ill be recording vocals for free demos of old shit, dating back to when I didnt know how to make music.
Anyways, weird dreams when you aint feelin good. VERY weird. Plus, Im not about to use the meds they gave me. I have 2 prescriptions for oxycodone, and other than the single pill they made me take immediately after surgery, I havent touched em, nor will I. Chemical dependency runs deep in my family, and Ill be damned if drugs are gonna enter my life. I went edge because I didnt like that shit, Im not gonna use it as a sleep aid.
Since my new remakes are coming out good, it'll be simple if anything needs to change in terms of cymbal sounds etc. I know how to use it and chris can tell me what sounds best for what part.
Well, almost 330am. Another day of rest. This time with me doing something. Im prolly gonna play wow and blast grind.