Nov 25, 2004 12:05
i know that we're supposed to be thankful on thanksgiving, but i'm just really stressed.
well, actually first i'm pissed because mom put my sweatpants in the wash because i left them on the kitchen stool when i came in from my walk. she told me it was cold outside and made me wear them, then when i took them off when i got home because it wasn't really THAT cold, she put them in the wash while i was taking a bath.
plus, for some reason, i can't stop thinking about the guy that i like, who i'm afraid that something is going to happen again. i keep thinking that he's going to stop talking to me like the last time when i decided that i liked him. plus, my best friend's hot abercrombie model cousin has the same first name. that's kinda freaky.
and, mom vacuumed (why are there 2 u's in "vacuum"?) downstairs and told me that when she finishes and when i finish cleaning up my room that i have to do upstairs. we're having our neighbors from down the street over for dinner, so they're not going to be upstairs, why do i need to vacuum that?
when i ask her not to do something, like putting my clothes in the wash that aren't in my dirty clothes basker, all i get is a "sorry" if she does it. if i do something that she doesn't want me to do, i get grounded, or yelled at, or "sorry doesn't cut it, missy." why do parents always get their way?
at least i didn't have to deal with the clicks last night because we didn't have church since it was the day before thanksgiving. but something tells me i'm going to have to deal with them at the game on friday and two of the other girls (the only girl that i actually like of the group has been my friend, well, my family has known her family, since i was 3, and he's her cousin) are going to be all over the hot abercrombie model. one of the other girls probably will be too, even though she has a boyfriend, cuz she used to be all over my best friend when i liked him (yea, all of what, 3 days ago?).
well, off to the wonderful, fun world of vacuuming. somebody shoot me now, cuz mom's in her "company" mood, which is not very pleasant, and i got snapped at cuz i went and found another pair of sweatpants, but was informed that i needed to be dressed nicer for company.
maybe i'm just mad because the phone woke me up, and as soon as i had gone back to sleep, dad decided it was time to do yardwork and whatever contraption he was using in the backyard was extremely loud. why do all of the bedrooms in the house have to have window on the backyard?