Today I was going through some old text files, and found a paper I wrote in 11th grade, in Mrs. Koehens english class. In it, I try and compare the land of Nod found in the Bible, and the Nod found in past civilizations. I think the paper is actually pretty far out there, but it is decent writing, and not a bad read. Please don't grade me too hard
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If you really are interested you should research Lillith.
The modern "King James Bible" makes no reference to Lillith... although the original story of Eve and the Garden of Eden contained her... or so it has been written... of course, since it isnt there today, it is perhaps another myth, but one I rather enjoy.
The quick and dirty of the story of Lillith is that at the time of Adam Lillith was created as his partner and equal. They were to live pure life in Eden, however Adam became burdened/bothered with an equal equal and desired more of a "wife" (to use modern terms)... so God cast Lillith out and created Eve from Adam, thus making her less then or partner to... because she owed her creation to him.
If you follow the story of Lillith... and then the story of Cain and Abel... perhaps Cain was not alone. After all, he had a son did he not? So *my* thinking, (I won't say belief... because I don't really know my beliefs... as I don't know the facts) is that Cain was cast out to 'Nod', met Lillith, and they created child and city together.
*If* that thinking were true, then the human race is not derived from *just* Adam and Eve... but also Cain and Lillith. Two lines of geneology (although admittedly Cain is the son of Adam and Eve so it is still just one family)... I like the idea of multi genetics in play with the human race... it leaves more openness in the thinking that the human race actually survived and thrived, because science and genetics have proven if only one line exisited then inbreeding probably would have wiped us out :P
Anyway... just thought I'd throw that out there... see if you would like to banter about it someday.
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