application @ splendorocity

Jan 02, 2011 00:11

Player Information:
Name: Linh
Journal: shouei
Method of Contact: AIM @ nyanperona
Previous characters: n/a

Character Information:
Full Name: N Harmonia
Series: Pokémon Black & White
Canon point: Post-game
Age: Late teens to early twenties.
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: here
Appearance upon arrival: Same deal.

Previous RP memories: None.
Bringing someone along?: He’s bringing Reshiram, the legendary Pokémon he befriended and flew away on at the end of the game.
Character History: here


To describe N, idealistic is perhaps the best word to use. After all, he was cultivated, nurtured, brought up to think a certain way, to believe what he was meant to believe, to form the ideals that would be the heart of Team Plasma, the heart of N’s whole existence. It also makes him quite a simple, straight forward character.

To understand N fully, one needs to go back to the time when he was a child. He didn’t have a normal childhood. He lived in an ancient castle with his father, who brought him not other children as friends, but Pokemon. And they weren’t the usual wild Pokemon, either. They were Pokemon abused and hurt by their owners, whose thoughts were full of sorrow. It was them that N befriended, learned to hear their thoughts, and came to believe that humans and Pokemon were not meant for each other.

Of course, this also means that N and human interaction have never meshed quite well. His impression of humans is poor, predictably. He thinks of humans as the ones mistreating Pokemon, he thinks of them as incapable of forming bonds and befriend Pokemon, he thinks of them as the ones who are keeping Pokemon from their freedom and happiness. The only interactions he shows on screen are his confrontations with the protagonist, where he expresses his ideals and his willingness to fight for his dreams, however extreme his methods may be.

Throughout the game, N’s views are made apparent as he only believes in extremes. Pokemon and humans can only exist in different worlds, thus making them black and white, light and day, with no gray area in between. As Team Plasma’s King, N believes it is his duty to liberate Pokemon from the evil clutches of humans. He is to be a hero! He is to befriend a legendary Pokemon and rely on its strength to realize his dreams. And N does just that. He thinks of nothing else. He does nothing else but listen to the thoughts of the Pokemon around him, and giving all he has to the innocent desire to see all Pokemon happy.

Truly, N isn’t evil. The ideal where Team Plasma was based on is not evil. Ultimately, N’s goal is for the good of all Pokemon, even if the organization he supposedly leads is employing these cruel and unethical methods. He knew his ways were wounding Pokémon, but he saw no other option. In a way, N is naïve. He wholeheartedly believes in Getis’ teachings, believes that he is right. He can be stubborn that way, refusing to see other reason and plea that he has taken his cause to the wrong path. He is unaware of his own father’s schemes, all too engrossed in the idea of being a hero, a savior for all Pokemon. And in this way, he is innocent. All too pure and unaware of the more sinister face of Getis. Perhaps that’s why he makes the perfect pawn.

As rigid as his views are, N is not entirely resistant to change. Meeting the protagonist is the spark of that. He is initially surprised by the voices of the protagonist’s Pokemon, bewildered by how happy they are, a stark contrast with the voices of hurt Pokemon he’s used to. Over time, he recognizes the protagonist as his rival, often questioning the protagonist whether they have their own dreams. In the end, it is the protagonist that N considers his first human friend, someone whom he deeply admires and someone who changed his formerly wrong ideals.

In another note, unrelated to N’s deeper emotions: he seems to be quite interested in math, physics and the mechanics around him. His conversation with the protagonist in the Ferris Wheel reveals that he enjoys Ferris Wheels very much due to the formulas that create the dynamics and the motion that the Wheel goes by.

Character Abilities: He can talk to Pokemon. Yep.
Possessions: He doesn’t have a lot of stuff. By the end of the game he is not seen bringing anything with him other than himself. There is likely a pokeball meant for Reshiram, but since N dislike pokeballs in general, he’d rather let Reshiram go free most of the time.
Anything else: n/a

Action/Communication thread/post sample: thread!!

Log/Prose sample: what is effort!!!!


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