Fucking Hell On Wheels...

Jul 20, 2004 06:55

First off:

I have seemed to have missed this fucking GREAT Crust/Grind band...They apparently played RVa the other night (Last?), and being at either the rather DUMB Unseen/Defiance show, or at fucking work, I missed them...I'm just as pissed as when I missed Initial Detination a few years back...Or when I missed good 'ol Napalm Death the first 4 TIMES I knew of them being here (First time 'cause I was then too young...15 and it was a "21+" show)...I HATE missing bands I love...Something TOLD ME I should've called off last night...

Speaking of that, last night was a riot in and of itself...Some dude was there "fixing" or draining the oft-never-used firse/sprinkler system, and it BURST EVERYWHERE!!...ALL OVER "H & B" ("Health & Beauty")...So needless to say that was one area we had the opportunity to skip over last night ;P...Black "tar-scented" water, sludged it's way over almost HALF of "Green" side...Rained down on everything like so many of the recent storms as of late...It was surreal to see...Stuck to high shit too *UCK*...Got the truck done faster though...They had to call (Count 'em) 2 OUTSIDE CLEANING CREWS to clean up the mess (Prolly STILL are as I'm typing this)...It was a digusting mess...Reminded me of that puddle of sludge/monster from that one episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (Geekage)...Was hoping it would rise up and swallow that dumbass fat shit of a boss Warren, but no luck :(...*lol*...So much damage was done to thier precious "profit-driven" merchandise...I just smiled and laughed my ass off...

A fun, yet unexpected "perk" to last night's crap-fest...

God I feel like shit...But I guess little to no sleep, one HELL of a stomach ache, and a rough night at work will do that to ya'...Weekend wasn't that great either...I'll tell ya' about it...'Ere goes:

Friday: Planned on going into town...NEVER made it...Overslept like a motherfucker...I guess it was good, 'cause I got some stuffs done in the interim, once I woke up of course...But still...ANOTHER night off wasted in bed...And NOT HAVING SEX EITHER...IN BED...*lol*...

Saturday: FINALLY got ready and left...Brandy picked me up, bless her sweet little heart *lol*...Sat around her place for abit, getting drunk as usual...Listened to a few of her, and then my Cd's...Thrashed out as Brandy looked on and laughed as I made a drunken loon of myself...Our plan was to go to the Dimmu Borgir show at the Norva, but we decided against it, as it was abit pricey, however we prolly woulda have had more fun in the long run...C-VILLE JUST SUCKED...Crappy "boop beep/oont oont" fucking "ebm/techno/rave" shit ALL DAMN NIGHT...Spent $7 on a jack & coke that did NOTHING to get me drunker...It wasn't until a certain Ant-like creature *lol* pulled out the smuggled-in (Amelia, you didn't read this, I mean it) Jager, did I actually feel anything...And even then I PASSED THE FUCK OUT in a chair in the corner...Felt like SHIT when I got back up when he ended up sitting on my feet, that were streched out in another, adjecent chair...No dry-humping from milfs...Didn't talk to Deepa (GODDAMMIT!!), hated the atmosphere there...Not the C-Ville I REMEMBER from years past...Justin Fritch cut his hair off too...Looks goofy at best (Just kidding Justin)...Will requisite in ALL WHITE *HA HA*...We rode home, leaving early outta fucking said boredom...None of us really had any fun...EVERYONE hated the music...EVEN my straight-up "goth" friends...Rode "shotgun" in silence...er...Listening to Yancy, who was also with us, jabbering in a drunken/ephedrine stupor the entire ride home...Lauren was entertaining as usual though ;P...Got back to AWS & PASSED.THE.FUCK.OUT...

Sunday: Woke up around like 12pm...Ant was suppossed to have taken me to the Ozzfest that morning (Only to see Slayer, and Judas Priest, of course)...But either he didn't show up, or I slept through it...Prolly the latter, but it makes no difference...He woulda had to shell out $35 (Or More) for me to get in...FUCKING LAWN TICKETS no less...And there was NO guarantee we woulda gotten in...It had already been sold out for weeks...Or something like that...And then there was the Unseen/Defiance show...I had decided that it wasn't worth the time, effort, or the last $10 I had to my name to go see...So I went to Rite-Aid, and bought some food stuffs, came back, and proceeded to watch "I Love The '90's" on VH1 (GOD DAMN that show made me feel old)...That was until Randy called the house at like 5pm, and asked why I wasn't at the show...I told him repeatedly as to why, and eventually over the course of two or three phone conversations, convinced me to go...Scrounged up $5 from Pat (Eddie loaned me the other $5), and headed to the Raygun after downing a lone Steelie...Made it half-way between there and the "Gun", and Tyler fucking Proffit offered me a ride, having spotted me in the median offa Broad Street...I gave him my number to keep in touch, and I was there in a flash...Made my rounds after getting in...Shared some Apple Cider with Tiff and Wayne...Hung out with Randy for most of the night...Stood in boredom during Defiance's set...Remembered why I dislked their music so much...Got Nichole's cell phone number (She's reverted back to her old "pawnk" self again ;P...I'm proud ;D)...Said hi to Hash, Crustin', Mark Sparks, HH Jay, Donna, and a few others, and left when the heat became WAY TOO UNBEARABLE...Yeah...It was like an oven in that place...I haven't been to a show that humid since like Gorguts (Or one of the other bigger metal/punk shows I frequent)...Meh...Didn't even stick around for the Unseen...Randy took me back to the AWS in Andrew Dropout's car...Watched the rest of the "'90's" thing on VH1 with Lauren & Will upon my return...I almost felt like I had wasted my night entirely, save for hanging out with Randy and my old friends again, if not breifly :(...Passed out again...Ouite peacefully and comfortable I might add as well, seeing as I was on the pullout again...

Monday: Dad picked me up...Went to Pepboys *lol*...Got some "8 Ball" tire-plug covers to glue on my already-covered Bc Rich...Ate fast food...Almost passed out here on this very keyboard after a nice hot fucking shower...And then there was the "sprinkler ordeal" at work...Ermph...

I might go back into town this upcoming weekend...Mark Spark's B-Day party is next weekend, so...But I'm DEFINATLEY not missing my friend Beth's (Not Randy's Beff...An OLD friend from Lee-Davis) party on the 31rst (I think)...Mud wrestling, jello shooters, the works...Yeah the type of party you only read about, but never get a chance to go to ;P...Meh...It's quite alarming how many of my OLD friends I've been catching up with here as of late ;P...I like it...Even good 'ol R.J. Propps FINALLY called my bro at the show the other night, wanting to hang out again...

And my little sis is finally getting amrried to a newly-short-haired Trip on the 2nd of October...Yeah, she's REALLY tying the knot...Sorry guys *lol*...And my Mom and Dad are starting to show affection to each other...I was rather shocked (But in a good way ;P) at this revelation...About fucking time...Now if they'd only cut the shit and get back together...

But one lone thing still bugs me, even an ENTIRE YEAR LATER...Kris's shit is still here as is her cat...I want to get it OUT of here...And Kris, if you are indeed reading this, you NEED TO COME GET THE STUFF...My mom is getting abit tired of waiting for you to come get it...She's talking about giving it away to the Good Will, and Isis to the animal shelter...SO IF I WERE YOU I'd either get in contact with me (Or even get your mom to come get it), and ARRANGE a time to pick it up...And I'm NOT having this "I'll drop by while everyone's out, or asleep to get it" bullshit...GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS woman...That and I need to know when to set it out in the Living Room for you to get it...And you won't have to worry about me messing with you...You are a mostly FORGOTTEN part of my past, and frankly I could give two shits and a flying fuck what you did to me a year ago...Sorry but let's face it, you mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me anymore...So when you FINALLY ARRIVE to get your stuff, I won't be around (If nothing else I'll be in my room, minding my own buisness)...Granted you DID fuck me over, but like I said before, in my book, it's "water under the bridge", and my MAIN OBJECTIVE is to return your belongings to you before someone else takes it into his/her own hands and gets rid of the stuff for you...My abode is not to serve your "self-storage" needs ANY LONGER...It's already been a fucking year...THAT'S ENOUGH TIME FOR YOU TO HAVE COME AND GOTTEN UR STUFF...And trust me I've had QUITE A FEW offers for certain items of yours...But as I am a man of certain virtue, and held the stuff so it could be returned to it's rightfull owner...

And this might sound conceited (and I hope it does), NO I don't wanna be your friend...So don't even try...Funny thing is though, I don't even wanna be your enemy either...I just want to continue forgetting that you even existed in my life...AS it's TEN FUCKING TIMES BETTER than it was before you came in and attempted to wreck it (mostly because you hate your own self, and can't stand seeing anyone else happy)...Just come and get your shit...Shit I'll even ahve it brought to YOUR MOM'S PLACE...But in any event MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND, AS NEITHER I OR MY MOM ARE GOING TO "BABYSIT" IT ANY FUCKING LONGER...

You know the fucking e-mail/AIM...USE IT...'Cause the longer you wait, the more of a chance it gets taken care of in a way you prolly won't end up liking...And I'll have NOTHING TO DO WITH IT either...I hate to put it so bluntly, but it's come to this...Once you get your shit, you can go back to using who ever is the "flavour of the moment", and be happy trying to usurp said dude/chick of whatever emotions and feelings they may or may not have...

And Jessie R., if she doesn't wanna cooperate (as per the usual), your services could be of use...

Ok...Back to the affairs at hand...Internet, then sleep...Have fun kiddies...

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