Mar 13, 2004 07:33
God I'm starting to hate caffine...Especially knowing that I need sleep, and to get ready (LONG involved process...Yeah I guess I'm vain after all, HA HA!!) before going into town tonight :(...And this is not one of those weekends I can "crap out" and stay home and veg...Danielle's back in town for a weekend...First weekend in FOREVER...So this is a MUST (Not to boost ur ego or nuthin' Dani ;))...
That and I need the "out" time...I've been "itching" to get out all fucking week...And work's nothing short of it's instigator...Another BAD ONE last night...Goes without saying...NO MORE FRIDAY WORK DAMMIT!!...Then I had to go around my ass to get a lone $20 from my dad this morning, only to come home and find that the cat shit on the carpet again...ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!...
But there seems to be nothing going on other than the previously stated...No party, no show, and Poofy Pat went home (LAME)...So it prolly won't be as "adventurous" as I've trumped this weekend up to be (In my head)...And then there's the "getting there" problem...Only to return to the "daily grind" on Monday...At least I have the next two Friday's off ;)...YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!...
SO now it's off to bed...And ATTEMOT to fall asleep, even with all this "loose frantic energy" in my system...Urgh...And I suddenly have the urge to go on a Toxic Narcotic binge again...Maybe I'll bring the cd with me this weekend ;)...
Much to everyone's dismay...Ha Ha!!