"So Fucking What"...

Mar 11, 2004 10:54

Yup...That pretty much describes my mood right now...I'm just in one of those "I just wanna fuck around and do nothing, and be goofy while doing nothing" moods...It's rare that I don't have a specific "agenda" or whatever for any given day...So I'm going to embrace it whilst I can...Nothing on Tv, everyone at school or work...But what to do while doing "nothing"?...I've exhausted the web for today...And I can't really go anywhere as I can't obviously drive myself anywhere, and I have to get SOME sleep for work tonight at 10pm...That and I'm broke...

I could do some more sewing, work on the VHS conversion some more, or even read a book (Yeah right...With MY attention span?)...But no...I really just wanna drink myself silly, crank the fucking stereo up, and maybe fuck up some public property (Being what the county/city owns)...Yeah how "punk" of me...Ha Ha...But still It's one of "those" days...The days in which I could go to a show and pit, or at least run around with friends at like lets say, Bell Isle and just be a goof...Maybe it's the Mountain Dew again? *lol*...Man if only I were 16 again (Or if life was that way again at least)...Oh yeah...Here's a few pics of me a 16/17:

The last one featuring everyone favorite *cough*whore*cough* of an ex-fiance of mine at the 1997 "Homecoming" at Freeman Highschool in Henrico..."If you can't laugh at your mistakes" *cough*getting "engaged"*cough*...

So, I sit here watching my Newport burn to the butt...Dredding work tonight...ANd tommorrow night...So my weekend is resricted to Saturday/Sunday...Hell I don't even usually go into town until Saturday...But still...It would be nice to have the option to go on a Friday again...

So 'till then...It's just me, this computer, work, my newports and mountian dew, and me myself and I...Running into a wall outta FUCKING BOREDOM...

Need a roadtrip dammit...

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