Feb 11, 2004 22:05
Sitting here watching "Celebrity Mole"...My FAVE Red-head of ALL TIME is on there...STILL HOTT after all these years ;)...Angie Everhart...Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Angie ;P....
Also watched "The Bachlorette"...The show that had my "namesake" on there, "Lanny"...HE LOST...Proof positive that guys named Lanny aren't meant to be with ANYONE...Unlucky in love (The "Real Life" song comes to mind)...And DESTINED to be alone...Even on NETWORK TV we lose...It's depressing...And even though he was a hick, I was still rooting (Pardon the pun ;)) for him...And now that Valentine's is right around the corner, it's even more of a smack in the face :(...
Although "BangMe" offers some "consolance"...Finding strangers that find you attractive in some form or another ;)...Although some of the dumbasses on there need to die...Like I've said A MILLION TIMES before....IT'S JUST A FUCKING SITE...I just had to tell some other asshole off, that bashed me for leaving a comment on one of his "freind's" pages...He prolly doesn't even know her...Prolly is just looking to "get laid"...What a prick...
God I'm tired...But can't seem to get back to sleep...Dad woke me up promptly at 9pm, thinking that I had to go to work...Even though I had already told him that I was off the rest of the week...Mom wasn't too happy about that one...
But now, I must retire to the recesses of my own mind...And entertain myself, as I'm not going into town until like Friday or Saturday...