Aug 16, 2005 07:52
So where do I begin...Well its probably a good idea to start with this...Going TDY is rough. Especially here, where they are always gaying it. We are all about the training here. It seems like all we do is get ready to not deply. By the way for those who dont know the difference TDY is just a trip to wherever in a non war atmosphere, Deploy is like Iraq. Having said that...I will be going TDY in a mock war atmosphere. Why? Dont ask me. Its only once every 5 years and just my black sheep luck... I show up on the right time to play, Gay.dong.sheep.lick.donkey.shleper.hoofer.shmidlaping.Turd.Heap! Yep thats what they do. GAY IT!! And they are Drawing me into there gayness. Oh well, At least I dont have to buy more "Curtains". Yeah so we leave at the end of this month and then we are gone for like 9 or 10 days for a practice, for a practice, Mock war simulation. Then we leave the next month for the whole month of a Mock war regulated by the DoD. More gayness. But thats life in the military. Always practicing for a bunch of IF's. Just like our chemical warfare training. We train so hard on that stuff, but we have never been attacked with NBC warfare. (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical)When I say that I mean our military has never been attacked with NBC threats.
Off the subject of work. I have started to seriously download a ton of music. Like its now my obsesssion. There is a ton of music that I love and never knew where to find it at and frankly didnt have money far all the music that I wanted. That would be like spending 653462464536453543846 dollars. I know I am so far behind...but I am catching up quick. Movies are already being downloaded. I guess you need a program to unscramble the code of these torrent files. I got my buddy Dylan Working on that so I can watch movies before they come out on DVD. Oh well back to work.