(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 09:27

his palce is so boring i been here for the last two months and have made no friends . it seems to me that my computer way to the outside world . betwween studying taking care of mama and going to school it seems like there is no time to real have fun.
it seems like no guy wants to talk to a girl who is a mommy. but i dont give a fuck about them. cause i dont need them , they are complety useless to me . As long as i have my boo, omar in alright . i dont know what i will do if i didnt have him in my life.
Well as you all know im in school. for what nursing . the mmost highly demanding feild ever. iaam happy cause of that i can move any where and have a job. and thats good , cause i have plans to travel the world.
okay on the bad sad of things latly i have found out that my aunties cancer has spread. and that sge is in the hosiptal. i started to cry when i heard thatt and i still cant believe it . when do bad stuff happen to good people?
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