Under Stolen Lights

Jun 24, 2011 10:57

Title: Under Stolen Lights
Fandom: Big Time Rush
Pairing: James/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Big Time Rush.
Summary: "Dude, you said you would help me with my promo shots," James says in a rather annoyed tone, "I need to send some more pictures to my modeling manager." Logan feels something in his stomach turn sour. Jagan, this will be a 3 chapter affair. Please Review :)

“Logan! Just the person I was looking for!”

An audible groan leaves Logan’s slumped over body as he peels his face off the kitchen table, deciding that it’s much too early to be out of his warm bed, “NNhg…” he offers as a response.

“So listen…I know it’s 4 o’clock in the morning-”

Logan opts to stop listening.

About five minutes of nonsensical banter go by before another inevitable groan escapes Logan and he slams his hands down feebly on the table, “James,” he states, eyes closed “Shut. Up.”

The tall boy turns around from the counter, coffee pot in hand and thousand dollar smile in place, “So is that a yes then?”

Logan looks at him, his face falling somewhere between an incredulous and pathetically lost stare, “A yes for what?”

“For helping me this afternoon!” James shouts, leaving Logan to raise an eyebrow in a rather unimpressed manner, “Did you tune me out again?” James continues, “I thought you said you stopped doing that.”

“I did…” he lies, “It’s just really early. You know how I get when Gustavo makes us come in before the sun is up.”

Before he knows what’s happening, a large cup of simmering coffee is being slid under his nose.

“Drink,” James offers with a genuine smile.


“It’s in your favorite cu-uuup.”

Logan can’t fight back the grin bubbling up as he is met with the combination of James’ sing-songy voice and his favorite Batman coffee mug, “Thanks…” he finally hums as he closes his eyes once again and takes a smooth, deep drink from the cup.

The room grows silent and dull as Logan immerses himself in his drink, letting himself fall into a womb of warm muzzy goodness.

James stands there awkwardly, his smile now forced and unnatural as his eyes dart around the room quickly, waiting for something to happen…

“Anyway,” he finally starts, shattering the silence, “You’ll help me, right? After practice today?”


“Awesome,” James beams, his true and full hearted grin extending across his face as he gives Logan a friendly pat on the shoulder on his way toward their room, “You’re the best.”

“Mhm,” Logan mumbles once more, his lips still attached to the heavenly brew. He had learned over time that James doesn’t require earth shattering conversation. No, that had been tried once and it was obvious that the taller boy didn’t follow quite as closely as he had let on.

Logan smiled, his eyes still closed in bliss. It didn’t matter. All he knew was he was slowly crawling out of his morning cocoon, ready to start the day.

Besides, he thought, it’s James. As soon as they hit the studio, he’ll forget about whatever it was he was talking about. He always did.


“What’s this?” Logan asks skeptically, looking down at the object that James had thrust into his hands as soon as they walked into their apartment that afternoon.

James raises an eyebrow, “A camera.”

Logan rolls his eyes, burying the fact that he had just been made to look like an idiot, “Thanks, James. 
That is, in fact, a camera. More importantly, what is it doing in my hands?”

“Dude, you said you would help me with my promo shots,” James says in a rather annoyed tone, “I need to send some more pictures to my modeling manager.”

Logan quickly dismisses the fact that James has a modeling manager, opting to focus more on what was being asked of him. So that was what he had agreed to do this morning. Something in his stomach turns sour, “Uhh,” he starts, fumbling awkwardly with the camera, “I can’t.”

“Yeah you can.”

“No. I really can’t,” Logan states decidedly, handing the fairly heavy camera back to his friend.

James’ face falls, “Why not?”

“I’ve got homework,” Lie.

“Yeah, so do I.”

“You don’t ever do your homework,” Logan brings up, hoping it will push aside the current problem.

James sighs, his eyes falling to the ground in a surprisingly crestfallen manner. Logan tries not to notice. …it isn’t working.

“Why don’t you ask someone else?” Logan suggests quietly.

“Kendall is in a bad mood from hurting his ankle and Carlos will break my camera,” his words are hushed and cheerless.

A little sigh escapes Logan as he tries not to give in.

There’s a moment of complete silence. It floats over them, waiting for something to happen. And then James steps forward, moving closer to Logan and holding the camera out, “Please?” he asks gently, his eyes meeting his in a relaxed but hopeful glimmer.

Something inside Logan tears at his chest. He hates seeing his friends like this, especially James. Goddamn it, he thinks to himself as he exhales sharply and reaches for the camera, “Alright,” he drones with a defeated smile, lifting the camera over his head in anticipation of the bone crushing hug he just knows he’s about to receive.

James hops into the air, one of his thousand dollar smiles stretching across his face as the worry knotted up in his chest finally gets the relief he needed, “Thanks,” he beams as he picks his friend up with little effort.

Logan wobbles uneasily, his arms still reaching into the air with the camera, “No problem,” he says breathlessly.

“I’ll go get changed,” James grins as he sets him down. And with that, he is bounding off toward their room.

Changed? Logan looks down uncertainly at the camera in his hands.

What did he just get himself into?

big time rush, fanfiction, jagan, under stolen lights

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