
Jun 01, 2006 22:12

Wow. I've finally graduated. I did feel different, kind of weird, the next day. Graduation day was perfect, the ceremony was meaningful and swearing the Hippocrates oath was very cool. *chills* And the best part is that I didn't trip, spill all the papers on the floor or anything!?!

We had dinner after at Hermanni, and it was so good. I had a duck liver and lobster mousse wrapped in prosciutto and served with figs marinated in port as an appetizer, roasted flounder in a divine lobster sauce with mashed potatoes for the main course and chocolate cake with licorice ice-cream for afters(sounds weird, but actually worked quite well). We also had a nice riesling with the meal. Yum. I also got the most beautiful roses from mom and dad, they're white with a deep red on top, and a beautiful necklace, earrings and bracelet. Even my little sis who I know for a fact is broke(and won't take money from me:-(, so I'm getting her a really nice birthday present.) bought me a rose, she is so sweet... SO gave me the Gilmore Girls season 4 dvd box set, which is the best present ever. :-)

Work was totally twilight zoney today, I only had 2 patients in the entire afternoon! I got so bored that I did all the paperwork in the in-box and read some stuff for the emergency room shifts. I hope it picks up soon, time just goes faster when you have things to do...
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