This is a post for anyone who has any graphics to request or anyone who'd like to have a go at filling a few requests from a few lovely promgoers (and perhaps making new friends in the process). We're thinking mostly icons, although if someone requests something bigger and someone else is nice enough to make it, then more power to both those people
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P.S. I think he totally has superpowers on Heroes.
(and I think he has superpowers, too.)
HEE! thanks! I so wish i could've gotten the real Sendhil to go to prom with me last year *sighs* my date was so much lamer.
(and I thought I was the only one who thought that! Because seriously, having blood that can cure other heroes? That sounds like a power to me.)
He absolutely has superpowers. That's the only solution to why his blood has Chuck Norris-like qualities. *nods fervently*
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