Name: Meg
Age: 22
How long have you've liked deco-den?: Only a month or so =) I'm still a decoden baby.
How did you find out about deco-den?: Browsing
On to the real stuff! I created a sweets deco blog (a subblog within my blog) and my first post is a whipped cream review of the following, complete with lots of pictures:
1. Liquitex Basics Modeling Paste
2. Golden Molding (note the spelling) Paste
3. Whipple (US version) decorating creme
4. DAP White Silicone
5. Decoip, a Japanese brand of silicone cream (From Strapya, labeled as "Keitai Pastry Chef: Decoration Whipped Cream Deocip")
URL: Lots of money and lots of time involved in making this post xD Note that I'm a newbie to deco >_< Comments here please =) Thanks!!