Name: Jacie
Nickname: Pudderz | Pudding | Penguin (any of these is fine ♥ )
Age: 16
How long have you've liked deco-den?: Um, I'm not sure. I've seen it around on LJ posts and thought they were cute, but I didn't really look into them so I don't know for sure when.
How did you find out about deco-den?: See above^ But I also saw
mewmewchocolate 's sales post last night on GSJ, so I decided to ask her about it, and she pointed me to this community. ♥
List some of the things you've decorated: None @_@;;
Picture of your latest decorated object + a sign with your name next to it: N/A
Well other than that, my hobbies/interests: Penguins, Anime, Manga, J-fashion, J-music, Cosplay. :3
I'd really like to get started on Deco-denning so it'd be nice if there was like a starter guide or someone to point me in a direction~ ^_^