My spooky kid.

Jul 17, 2006 12:27

So my daughter won't shut up about Halloween. It's driving everyone crazy. I mean, it's freaking July! I adore Autumn and Halloween, but I can only take so much more of this. She goes on obsessively about costumes, trick-or-treating & which houses she will go to, watches several halloween movies daily, only draws spiders ghosts and pumpkin patches and tells everyone she meets about "zombie video games". My kid is seriously obsessed with spook. While most gothy type parents would be thanking the Great Pumpkin that their kid is spooky, I'm actually pretty concerned. We are not living such a creepy life anymore, me and Jeremy. We work, take care of the house, spend time with our family and that's about it. No clubbing, no dressing up, no concerts or going out. We lead really boring lives now. So it isn't like our kid is trying to impress us or something. In fact, she seems a little psychotic in her obsession and the way she goes on about this stuff. Like you'll be asking her what she wants for breakfast, and she'll answer with "I think we should dress up my popsicle kitty as "Puss-in-boots" for Halloween and you shouldn't be a scary bird lady again, you could be a skeleton like me". We told her we aren't talking about Halloween until September. We've been slowly removing her Halloweeny dvd's from the movie drawer when she isn't around. She doesn't even notice them being gone. They'll come back for the proper season, of course, but I need to do something to lessen the triggers for her mayhem.

The only explanation I can think of is that October is my favorite month, and it's when I am all bouncy and creative and happy. These past few years I have mostly been struggling, stressed and sad. So maybe she wants to have a happy mom? I don't know. Any advice would be heartily received. Especially since my old friend is coming to stay with us for a night this weekend, with her family of 6, and they are rather strict conservative Christians. We're rebuilding a friendship I slaughtered 10 years ago, and I really don't want my Goth 5 year old to cause confilct between us. My best argument with Simone so far, was to explain that not everyone likes Halloween, including this family that's coming to visit and we need to respect other people's beliefs and decisions, so it isn't a very friendly thing to go on talking about something that offends someone you are supposed to be friends with. She understood that. I mean, she can have moral debates when she's older, but for now, she's only 5. Just play with your toys, make art and enjoy the magic of youth. The frightening and morbid reality of this life comes quickly enough.
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