Jul 27, 2007 07:36
I just though about the whole thing with my brother and got a little teary eye thinking I might have no wedding pictures with him. This makes me sad .....but life goes on. Last night my cousin caro called. I'm so happy this whole thing between us is over. She's like the closest thing to a sister I eve had. I'm so happy she's going to have a baby. I already bought her a little something. And when she finds out the sex, I will buy her more stuff. Maybe toki or hl. That would be awesome...I'm so excited to see the babys room at her place. I'm feeling better today, but its hard its still so fucking hot outside. I'm wearing jeans and I'm swwwweating. Urgh. Tonight we're going to the simpsons premiere and I'm pretty excited, it'll probably be pretty crazy... I need to buy my bridesmaid presents today...I'm still confuse as to what to get...I dunno. Nick got such cool things I feel kinda lame getting them mirrors. But I might get them 2 things. Ah ill figure it out today. Got I really missed blogging from my hiptop...heeeello blogging everyday...lol. Fffuck what am I gonna wear to my cousin tomorrow. I wanna look good but not like I tried to hard. I'm excited to see mia and leo and edward. Leo and edward were probably my fave cats..no offense to frnaca's leo and lily...god when is this sweltring (sp) heat gonna be over. My makeup is melting off my face!
Holy shit next week is my bachelorette party yeeeehaaaa. I gotta invite caro. Ok I'm done rambling for now.
Ps: there was a girl crying as she read crappy potter on the metro and it made me lol.
--Nikkie xo