Game Rules

Dec 11, 2006 18:00

General Rules

(1) We'll cover the basics here. No godmoding, no mary-sue-ing, no hitting, no punching, no OOC drama, and no stealing. Capice? If it's not nice and is going to make everyone growly, don't do it.

(2) We like original takes on things. We do. But if it seems OOC, clear it with a mod. Draco adopting cute fluffy kittens and Harry learning how to tap dance are not things we want to see unless there's a Confundus charm involved. Then it's funny.

(3) Slash, het, and femslash are all allowed. If you don't like it, shoo.

(4) We have rules on our PBs. We don't want to see any divas on here. If your character acts like one, you can still find a good PB who isn't Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson. Really, it gets tiring to see the same people over and over. We're not ultra-picky on it, but if I can recall multiple news stories about them off the top of my head, it's probably not a good choice.

Oh, yes. Characters who have movie actors? You are free to either use your movie PB or choose another one. Just make sure your new PB, if you opt to not use an HP actor, is appropriate for the character.

(5) This game is meant to be fun and amusing, with some serious side-stuff thrown in. It's not a place for OMIGOD-DRAMA, but we like some angst every now and then. Less soap opera, more sitcom.

(6) These rules are subject to be changed at any time! But we're nice mods and will let all the players know if we feel the need to change one.

n_declinazio Rules

1) The community is to play out specific scenarios. Any "I'm bored" posts should simply go in a character's journal; the community is used to play and display plot-related posts. Posts in the community should be played out in third person, past tense.

2) Character communications may also go here. Owls and e-mails sent from one character to another should be posted up here. Teachers may occasionally may make announcements on the community, too.

n_d_ooc Rules

1) The OOC community can be used both for plotting purposes and random chatter.

2) Plot-related posts should be friends-locked.

3) Um.... Be nice?
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