Apr 03, 2006 01:29
Grades will be turned in on April 4, 2006 (graduating students will have their grades turned in earlier).
My Sun number will be disposed of by April 15. If you need to contact me, please e-mail me or leave me a note care of the Department of English and Comparative Literature
English I: Congratulations; nobody flunked :) Good going, people! :)
English 11: The deadline for all your papers has already passed. Students who did not submit their papers/revisions received a 5 for that particular submission. Students with failing grades at the end of the semester have simply been given a 4 or a 5, as University rules state that the INC grade can only be given in meritorious cases. Those with 4s MUST remove it by May 31, 2006; after that, I am no longer going to be with UP, and your 4 will become a 5.
CW 100: Please be reminded that your deadline is today, Monday, April 3, 2006, at 11:59 p.m. Grades will be turned in on Tuesday, April 4. No INCs will be given as University rules state that the INC grade can only be given in meritorious cases. Those who did not submit their revisions/who submit them late will simply have their final grades computed based on the grade for the draft.
CW 140: Please be reminded that your deadline is today, Monday, April 3, 2006, at 11:59 p.m. Grades will be turned in on Tuesday, April 4. No INCs will be given as University rules state that the INC grade can only be given in meritorious cases. Those who did not submit their revisions/who submit them late will simply have their final grades computed based on the grade for the draft.