Announcements for January 4, 2006

Jan 04, 2006 14:29

Announcements for January 4, 2006

Hello, people

I did not notice that my announcements did not upload last December, and since my Sun phone was left behind (and only retrieved now) I had no contact with any of you.

Anyway here are the announcements:

For all: We begin classes again on Tuesday, January 10. We meet at our CAL classrooms.

English 1: I hope you read the readings during the break, particularly the grammar review handout and Chapters 1 & 2 of Writing Clear Paragraphs. I will distribute readings on the preposition and other introductory topics on Tuesday.

In the meantime, prepare for your first peer review (aka you get to criticize your classmates!) You may use print (if you do, use intermediate pad and skip every other line) or type (short bond paper, double-spaced) this one. 200-500 words only. Topic (choose one): What I Like About Christmas OR My Most Embarrassing Moment. All answers confidential if you ask me to keep it confidential.

Remember your diagnostic essay? Its revision will be part of your first exam at the end of the month. :-)

Your film showing is scheduled on January 20. Please be ready to vote when we meet: anime or romantic comedy?

English 11: I will drop by UP on Friday to drop off your missing readings. I sure hope you guys read Romeo and Juliet and Smaller and Smaller Circles over the break; if not, then use this week to read them. Anyone wishing to read Smaller and Smaller Circles may borrow my copy, provided it is kept neat and clean.

On January 20, I’ve scheduled a showing of Romeo and Juliet at the Faculty Center AVR. The technician will check attendance before and after the showing, so please do be on time.

CW 100: I got your secrets! (Whoa!) I will text you “your secret” (which is actually someone else’s) on Thursday, then please send back your 200-350 words on it by 6 pm Saturday, January 7, 2006. I will collate them and send them back by Sunday morning for discussion during our January 10 meeting, along with a discussion of the elements of fiction. Please surf the net or check out fiction books in the main library for the elements of fiction, and be prepared to identify them in your readings. Detailed schedule to follow.

CW 140: I sure hope you guys finished reading the Hidalgo book. I will give you a short lecture on Wednesday. Have you guys e-mailed your secrets yet? I will text you for details. In the meantime, please start working on an essay about your childhood. Free topic; you can consult me on Wed, Jan 11, 2006 if you have doubts. Here are some suggested topics:

1. My First _____
2. Who was your childhood idol? How do you feel towards her/him today?
3. Do you have any unique memory or experience?
4. What scared you as a child that you like/are no longer afraid of now?
5. What did you want to be as a child? Do you still want to be whatever that is/was?

And the bonus question worth five points: text or e-mail the response for five points (bonus status posted on Tuesday, Jan 10) Who is the editor in chief of Wedding Essentials, and what was her undergrad course in UP?
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