(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 23:22

Hey ali, sorry about earlier. I do want to say that, i dont know if youll read this but... Well anyway sorry.

Ill put this quiz up that i heard off the site i go to alot. Here goes. Reply as well.

Do You have any pets?: Yes, 9 cats, my mum is a cat freak.
Most Annoying Habit?: That i do or in general??
Play any Instrument?: No, but i did kinda want to, but thats out the window.
Fave Video Game?: Sonic, or zelda, but probably the former.
Own any game systems?: Yes the ones i play now are the N64, gamecube, gameboy and the DS (but not much)
Pet Peeve?: No i like them. (j/k)
Do you snore?: No. (and that is not a guess!)
Laptop or PC?: PC, but id rather a laptop, or whatever a mac comes in.
Dead celeb you wanna meet?: ??
Dog or cat person?: Cat, dogs are just, annoying, id rather my cats be able to stand up[ for themselves if need be.
What's on your cd player right now?: Texas i believe...yes it is, i listened to it on the way home.
Did/Do you have enemies?: No. Not in any way.
Were/Are you a teacher's pet?: Well, for my tutor yes, my other teachers now like me, but in HS they didnt but i didnt do any work then...
What grades did you/do you make?: Right now my predicted grades by my teachers are B/C, B/C, C and C.
Did/Do you participate in sports? If yes, what sports?: Football, i like to paly that, its fun, and badminton is sooo fun to play suprisingly.
Have you met any celebrities?: No.
Do you think you'll ever get married?: Yes, well i hope so
What do you want your wedding song to be?: "Allllllllll by my self" You know the one, the whole ironic thing..
If you were stranded on a desert island,what 2 things would you take with you?: Freind and, something else.
Who is the coolest person you know?: I dont know, one of my friends but i cant decide which ones the coolest.
Whats the best class you ever took?: Film studies definately, im doing it now and am loving it.
What's the best job you've ever had?: The work experience where i got sacked or the one where i didnt. Pick one.
What song is in your head right now?: Well im listening to music so probably that,
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?: Didnt, i dont.
Plain or peanut?: What??
Smooth or crunchy?: Smooth.
White or wheat?: White.
Coldplay or Nivana?: COLDPLAY!! Nirvana are overated.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nope,
Favorite drink?: Yazoo.
Favorite alchoholic drink?: Cocktails.
Favorite city?: I dont know i havent been to enough.
Favorite store?: I dont go to many, but i dont know, i go to where i need to go.
Addictions?: No, really.
Fetishes?: None again that i can think of...
Favorite food?: Pizza maybe, marmite anything. (although not pizza, although ive never actually tried that...i want to now.)
Favorite animal?: Havent had one since year 4.
Think of a number between 1 and 10: 6
WRONG!!!: Huh??
Do you have any peircings?: Nope.
What's your favorite word?: Its one of those things i cant answer when asked about it.
Who would you kill if your morals would allow?: I, have no idea.
Are you glad this quiz is over?: No, i like filling these in.
Tricked ya! If you could resurrect one band, who would it be?: ??? I cant think of anyone whos over who i REALLY like.
Favorite male vocalist?:
Favorite female vocalist?:
Favorite athelete?: None, i dont care about that.
Do you believe in soul mates?: Depends, but no on the idea.
Favourite colour?: Again...
Eye Colour?: Brown.
Hair Colour?: Brown.
Natural Hair colour?: Brown.
What kind of nose do you have?:...??
Do you have freckles?: No.
Are you tall?: No, im, average height.
Do you have a space in between your teeth?: Nope.
Can you curl your tongue?: Yep.
How often do you listen to music?: Whenever im on the PC really, also when im on my way to college.
What type do you like?: Indie/rock i guess.
Do you dance to it?: Nope,
Do you sing to it?: No.
Does it calm you down?: Well no but it can extend my current mood if im in one. Like now.
Sport?: Football, although im not sure exactly what your asking.
Website?: Sg1 archive.
Book?: I havent read for a while.
Place to go?: Dont care.
Chocolate bar?: Something with different textures and not just one substance.
Chinese or Pizza?: Pizza.
Woolworths or coles?: Whats coles??
Kiss or Hug?: Depends. Hug.
Smile from eyes or lips?: Both..
Movie at home or at cinema?: Either, im not fussed, but home i guess.
Favourite Colour Highlighter?: Green.
Hot chips or cold chips?: HOT.
Would you pick up 5 pence if it was lying on the ground?: Yeah, although it depends on how much i need it. But yeah.
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