Mar 10, 2006 23:45
I find it strange that no matter how much a person tries to tell themselves there is no reason to be exhausted, their body and mind still don't listen. I feel that I have no reason to be exhausted. I sleep. Sure I had finals, and I've worked a lot and I only sleep every other night, but I sleep a lot when I do. I don't see a problem, yet I know I have one. I'm purely exhausted. I am taking 4 1/2 days off of work to clean my house and maybe chill out. I thought about taking an out of town vacation, but money is tighter than usual and I don't know that traveling would really give me a time of rest. Fun yes. Rest no. I know that I need to take a break because of the way I want to shove a sock in people's mouth. That is not really that uncommon of a feeling, however when you start actually plotting to do it, it may just be time to rest. I need more alone time. More me time. I have to be at work again at 6:45 so I should sleep....goodnight