Jul 31, 2006 21:54
I'm reading Jonathan lethem's the fortress of solitude. criticism of the book aside, i am glad that it has made me think like a narrator. that switch just turned on! for example, i just got home from the gym, and while i was on the elliptical machine (for 35 minutes, frontwards and backwards, because i am a pro) i was thinking,"Corinna took tiny breaths, in and out, like a whistle without the shrillness." it's not the best example i could give, but hopefully it illustrates the narrative situation.
hyde park gym is only $30/month. ok, there are no tvs or music and the equipment is kind-of old, but i only need a treadmill, an elliptical machine, and my ipod to workout. i'm just letting you know how cheap it is because i care. i care about you, you, and you.