Dec 09, 2004 15:09
So Pardon me, While I burst into flames, I've had enough of the world, and its peoples mindless games, So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame.
Just got back from seeing Oceans Twelve... I thought it was pretty damn cool, So... Trex is 18 soon eh? we'll arrange and actually do something for him the night he turns 18 or shortly after =P.
How much do people who drive past listening to R&B music really loudly suck! Like... jump outta car and rip their fucking head off kinda suck.
K-Mart will have Special Editions of Return of the King tomorrow, and I can't afford it... it'll be the first LotR spec eds released on the day that I haven't seen as soon as its been released... I don't deserve to live anymore! *cries*.
Man I love everyone *gives everyone a hard fuck on the floor* swish :P so what I've slept with about 34 people now GO ME!!! Suck it munro you bitch! suck it reeeeal goooood.
Anyways, I love my Sarah, you are all gay.
Thats it for me.