Hello my dear friends!
So all I did on Saturday was sleep, eat, watch TV, sleep and entertained people online. The websites I introduced to those in need of my entertaining assistance were enjoyable, especially the
Blind Dates. I could just picture myself together with Sara. We look gorgeous together. You can pick one up for yourself.
Yeah that's right... it's not porn, I swear. Hahahhahaha :D
Okay I typed that like 4 days ago and I was lazy to type further due to physical difficulties. Hahaha. The worst thing has stuck me today - MY FREAKING HANDPHONE GOT STOLEN. Okay, technically it did because the person didn't call and even switched off my phone when she found it in the toilet. I think it hasn't sunk in yet, I'm still rather stable. Hhahahah. I have supportive and wonderful friends who helped me and hopefully that freaking person has a conscience and return it! Crome him/her one time jialat jialat sia.
My last message was from Bell and I haven't talked to her in a long long time, but look... &^*^@*$#^@. Not only that, my handphone is needed for one scene for our filming! Goodness, I feel bad. Talk about good timing man.
Nooo, I feel like I've lost my social life, contacts, alarm clock, other stuff and MY WORMSSSS! It sucks being overly-dependent on your handphone. Looks like I'll be visiting the payphones now, I think its best. I should appreciate them and hey, it's technologically-saavy, the ol' fashion way. Hohoho.
Anyways, filming for Canon, so far has been fun, tiring, stressful at times... but most of all fun. I'll probably update on this when filming is over because the past few days, we had to wake up early early in the morning which is the most exciting thing I've ever done since the holidays. Hahhahahaha.
And I typed this 2 or 3 days ago, once again due to physical difficulties. I never complete an entry in one day man... muahhahaha.
So yesterday was our last day of filming which is kind of sad for some strange reason. The very early mornings, the late late nights spent with the council people made the whole thing memorable and yeah, everything else! From the stupid moments of everyone amusing themselves, bloopers & nonsensical stuff, to dangerous ones - climbing on the breakwater to film. Awwwwwwwww... hahahahha.
I overslept and panicked when Freeman called me and asked me where I was yesterday. Cabbed to the beach and paid 10 freaking bucks for it because the driver had no idea where east coast park is and almost drove me to pasir ris instead. How can he not know?!? Hahhahahha. Anyway, we ended early so the few of us - Chan, Fred, Shona, Rach, Derek, Yizhong who joined us later, and the Diva, Freeman headed to Shona's house to slack and had a Wild Boyz marathon and ate loads of crap. Shona's house is paradise man. Hahahha. T'was fun babeh! (:
Can't wait for the picturessss! Tomorrow I'll be heading for a job 'interview' with meiting and lingyu. I'm scared man, for this job. But oh wells, I have to start somewhere. Hahhahaha. After that, will be meeting yunru to watch John Tucker Must Die, finally. It's been delayed for way too long.
Anyways! This is possibly the longest entry I ever posted, ever. Hoho. Omg omg I have to share this yo mama joke Shona told me when we were amusing ourselves, and I can't stop laughing whenever she mentions tic-tac because of that. "Yo mama is so fat that she makes a whale look like a tic tac!" AAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAXYZZZZZZ!
C'mon it's funny, laugh!! :D
And that was it. I just find that so freaking hilarious for some reason. Just imagine it. Hahahhahahahahahhaha. Okay okay, I shall end off my wonderful entry here. I'll update more later!!
Ciao ciao!