My favorite author of all times on this site is
eine.hexeif you like Inuyasha/Kagome pairing go read and review her stuff! It’s
amazing. Even if you aren't a fan of Inuyasha/Kagome pairing I'm sure
reading her stories could convert you just a little. They are always so
It's truly tragic that recently my dear eine.hexe has
retired. She is an amazing writing and I want to wish her well. I
completely understand her decision, too. Her actions have made me begin
to ponder the same myself. If you could not tell, I haven't updated a
lot of my unfinished stories in a while. For that I am sorry. I just
graduated from college and got a job and its all rather time consuming
along with all the other things I tend to prefer to spend my past-time
doing. I do love to write, and I feel this website gives me a great
opportunity and has helped me build skills as a writer thanks to some
wonderful reviews and authors (eine.hexe, Kimiko Sakaki, Kovia, and
Say0mi Saki) who have supported me throughout my time.
While I am
not announcing my retirement, I will warn you that the time may be
coming soon. My interest in anime faded long ago...
Thank you everyone who has reviewed and will on any of my stories.
The Things That Annoying Me In IY Fics:
1. When it's an Inu/Kag story and Kikyou is portrayed as a bitch and completely
OOC just to help Inu and Kag get a long. Or when it's a high school fic
where she's the preppy popular girl and Kagome is the outcast. In all
reality, if we were going with them being IN CHARACTER it would be the
other way around. Kagome would be the prep, Kikyou would not. Kagome
also would probably never be emo or goth, just throwing that out there. I
don't even get why emo/goth people would like Kagome's character...
anyway, writing Kikyou OOC just makes you look like a poor writer. It's
called talent to write a character as they actually are even if they aren't your favorite.
2. I dislike the mating rituals that people make up for Inuyasha merely
because he is a hanyou. Mates were really never mentioned in the story,
at least not in regards to Inuyasha, and who's to say that demons mate anyway? It'd make sense if it was Kouga, he's a wolf youkai, and wolves
mate. Most of the time the rituals are cliche and lame. There are some
stories that make it work (like Halves by eine.hexe but that pretty much
isn't about mates, really) but for the most part it's all been done
What really, really, really annoys me is when the mating ritual suddenly makes Kagome immortal!
As if that was a possibility! If it was, don't you think Inu no Taisho
would have done something like that to Inuyasha's mama?! Of course he
would! That's just dumb. As I've said before, the fact that he's
immortal and she's mortal just adds to the drama and the story, taking a
cheap way out like a magical mating ritual is so... so... lame.
3. The lack of love that San/Mir stories get - and severe lack of reviews.
I love the couple. I don't understand why there are so many people that
wouldn't read anything other than Inu/Kag (or... ugh, Kag/Sess - that
couple makes no sense to me at all). You'd think that San/Mir stories would go hand-in-hand for those who love Inu/Kag. It's canon after all.
4. Again, there is an exception to all these (excluding the first, there's
really no excuse for being so poor of a writer that you can't portray a
character you don't like IN CHARACTER), but I think that the whole
Kagome has an abusive boyfriend (usually either Kouga or Naraku) or
stuck in an abusive family situation (again, usually Naraku) is over
done. I could understand the latter better than the former. I suppose if
one was born into an abusive family situation it'd be hard to get out
of it. I think stories in which Kagome had an abusive past but is
now out of that situation are more interesting than when she's still
stuck and Inuyasha (usually, I suppose Sesshomaru is a popular hero in
those stories, too) comes along and saves the day. Usually, they are in
high school, too... But Kagome entering into an abusive romantic
relationship? That's pretty OOC. Granted, I've read some fics that make
it believable and are well done. So, like I said, there's exceptions to
#2 and this one.
5. I don't get the Ses/Kag pairing at all. I really don't. I don't get how their personalities would work together
in the least bit. I think that
How To Write A Sess/Kag Ficis a must read. Granted in AU stories it makes more sense but I can't
understand how a canon based story would work with them. I suppose there
might be an exception to this out there, too, but I've never found it.
6. In less it's for humor's sake and such (like Kovia's Kagome to Hanyou)
it annoys me when Kagome is magically a inu-hanyou or (worse)
neko-hanyou (in canon stories, AU's are different). Like I said, except
for Kavio's story, I've never read one that makes it anything less than
stupid and extremely far-fetched, even too much for fanfics. I don't get
it, it's like people are trying to make Kagome into some super-perfect
character or something. The fact that she's a mortal and Inuyasha isn't
is what makes things so much more interesting in the canon. Besides,
really, the usual nonsense (where Kagome's dad is magically a demon,
hence she's a hanyou though it was sealed away) is just stupid.
7. When Kagome is all depressed and wanting to commit suicide. There are rare
occasions when this is acceptable because the author has made it
believable, but for the most part it's done dumbly. To me, Kagome would
have to almost always be OOC to want to commit suicide. She's not the
strongest of people, but she's not that weak either and just because
Inuyasha picks Kikyou over her (which is usually the reason why she
wants to jump off a bridge or something) doesn't mean she'd just go and
off herself.