Farewell Fandom (sort of...)

Jun 26, 2010 16:11

My interest for anime/manga has been out the door for quite some time. I never buy the stuff anymore, haven't since I was in my junior year of high school. I barely go to onlinemanga.com or anywhere of the sorts anymore. And Inuyasha related things...?
I didn't even bother to watch the Final Act, let alone the last few episodes of the first anime. I don't know why I've held onto that fandom for so long, probably because it was the first one I actually got into, the first I ever wrote a fanfic over (and only), and something I was really active in fandom communities throughout MSN groups on.

But my interest in it has been dying out. So I think it's time I say farewell for now to it. I probably won't stop reading some fanfics based on it, particuarlly from authors I like. I won't stop participating in inuyasha_et_al and I'll try to finish out the contest I entered at ed_ficlets even though whatever little interest I held in Inuyasha x Kagome has pretty much been burnt out.

I used to participate in inuawards, inuyasha_lims, and kouga_stills but I won't anymore. I don't have the time or inclination anymore.

What's this mean for all my unfinished fanfictions? Erm... good question. I will continue to partake in the fun at inuyasha_et_al so that means I will still update all non-canon couple stories at least every once and a while. But what about the rest...? I honestly don't know. I'm busy this summer and when I have free time I would rather spend it doing something else. I'm not saying there is no hope that I will ever update any story but... it won't be on a regular bases.

I'm also not saying I'll never write again at mirsan_fics or iy_themes or anything. It just might only be one in a blue moon.

It's hard to let go, but sometimes it's just best.

Yes, I updated again my layout. But I really like the simplicity of this one and will keep it as such. Credit goes to estiloamor
And banner credit goes to: goldensyrup

inuyasha, fandom

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