Season Five Supernatural - Holy Crap

Jun 08, 2010 20:03

I finally finished season five and first off wow.

I don't know where to start... It was awesome, of course. I love that show and I love all of them, even Sammy. I didn't want to slap him as much this seasons because it was his turn to be angstish. Without him Dean would have really been screwed, he was always there to motivate him when he didn't have any hope. I thought that was sweet.

I was really iffy on their way of address God, since that's such a touchy subject. I thought they did it well--"he's dead" "he's not dead" "he doesn't care anymore" "he does"--it was just a back and forth and back and forth like it is in reality. In the end I was wondering if Chuck might be...? It was really weird how he just disappeared in the last episode but then I know Dean had to be wearing his necklace around Chuck but maybe God can make that thing not burn bright...? I don't know. It would be funny if Chuck was. I liked that guy.

I never much cared for Joe but I was legitimately upset when she died and her Mom, Ellen, went with her only for the colt not to work (not that that is shocking, it would have been far too soon). And the Trickster being the arch angel Gabriel? Awesome. I also loved the trickster and I was so sad when he died, he was so much fun. That episode where they were constantly making fun of Gery's Anatomy (Dr. Sexy), CSI: Miami (which, really deserves to be constantly mad fun of for its level of awfulness), and a bunch of other shows was great fun.

I didn't like that Paris Hilton showed up, I'm not a fan of her, but I did love that she got decapitated. That was pretty good, that was the only reason I watched House of Wax (well, the first five minutes and then we fast forwarded to the part where she died and then stopped). But that's what happens when a show is on the CW which has other glamorously intelligent shows like Gossip Girls...

Castiel was beyond great this season, he was soooo funny. He often failed in the human world which was great (Dean, this isn't funny, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes--perhaps his greatest line). I think that there wasn't enough Castiel this season, when he was going through his crisis of becoming mortal they didn't give him enough air time to deal with that... he deserved his own episode. And though Castiel looked super cute in the hospital bed I was disappointed that their reunion was through the phone and no one seemed too concerned with him... I dare say that Castiel is maybe my favorite character now, though Dean is still fighting for that spot.

Oh, and those random pop ups of the Ghost Facers? Loved it. I wanted an episode with those guys again, they're too funny.

I never knew what to expect and I love that about Supernatural, usually I can figure it out in shows (and I could in most of the filler episodes still) but I didn't know what to think of Death and I wasn't expecting him to just end up giving Dean his ring but it made sense.

And the last episode...? I did not get why Chuck was telling us all about the Impala but I didn't mind and I really didn't know what was going to happen once Sam said yes and didn't leap into the hole the first time. Then he blew up Castiel! I was about to die, and then Bobby? No, never Bobby. I love Bobby. I was at an absolute loss. Then it all made sense, why Chuck explained all that about the Impala. Sam got control again and him and Adam (I like him, the actor is cute, but I'm not so sure how I feel about a third brother still) went down the hole.

Thank God, literally, that Castiel came back and brought Bobby back, too. I wouldn't have been able to handle no more Bobby. It was also nice of him to fix Dean's handsome face, of course. "Castiel, are you God?" That was great, too. I really felt like that could have been the last episode ever and I had heard talk that the fifth season was meant to be the last (which Erick Kripke said from the start he had five seasons laid out) so it really did feel like the end, what with all of Chuck's talking about tying up lose ends and everything. Dean returning to Lisa was sweet-ish (I think she was a random add in this season) and I almost would have been okay with that being it, it would have been sad for Sam but I like tragic endings but then Sam was outside staring in and I was like... WTF?

That's a terrible way to leave everyone hanging. I have no idea what's going to happen next. None at all... is Sam still possessed by Lucifer? Was that even really Sam? Is Dean going to stay with Lisa or leave (I hope for the latter)? Will Castiel be back (because he better be!)?

All in all, I think that a lot of Sam and Dean's emotional issues would have been fixed with a few more hugs. I know while I was watching some episodes I thought that they needed to hug it out. Some brotherly love would have helped their emotional distress probably. I definitely think that they were playing to the mass amount of CasxDean fans out there. Or perhaps I'm blinded by the fact that I ride on that ship. There's surely some platonic love at the least between the two.

I cannot wait for season six, which has been confirmed. I have gotten a great deal of my friends and most of my intermediate family into it now.

 Everyone needs to watch Supernatural.

by ina_ami

supernatural, fandom

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