Yep, finally

Jun 04, 2010 00:17

So I finally watched Supernatural season 4, when it was airing I was turned off by the series for some reason. Probably because it was my freshman year of college and I was busy with developing my college life and keeping up grades at the same time. That and the chick that played Ruby sucked along with whoever played Anna the angel... but it was still a good season. It's sad to say it only took me three days to watch all 22 episodes. It's lovely to have a break from both classes and work for that long...

I love Castiel but who doesn't? I hated episodes that went without him. But probably by far my favorite episode was 13, the one where they had a flashback on their high school life. I felt so bad for that little boy that Sam made friends with. High school Dean was funny, too.

Though, am I alone in wanting to bitch slap Sam throughout the season? He constantly made bad decisions and I knew how it was going to end, everyone did. I also figured that Ruby was a bad, bad bitch and aiming to get Lucifer out all along. It was a nice twist to have some of the angels on the demons side, didn't see that one coming.

Oh, and them throwing in that prophet guy and the books and mention of slash pairings was super funny. Though, I had a hard time believing the Gospel of Winchesters.

I was really looking for bad things to happen to Sam for payback for not listening to Dean (yeah, I'm a Dean fan girl for sure, his angsty-self-loathing is too grand). But then when all went wrong and Sam helped kill Ruby I felt sort of bad for him.,.

I'm on episode two of season five now and I feel super bad for Sammy, now he's going to be the angsty one and I might have to switch sides. I was also freaking out that Bobby was going to die. I like screamed at my computer when that happened, I love Bobby. But the poor old man is in stuck in a wheel chair now :(

But Castiel is pretty damn kickass now. I'm sorry Joe was brought back, though. I'm not in to that Dean x Joe couple, she bothers me. I like her mom, though.

Oh, Supernatural, I'm sorry I left you for two seasons but I'm back. 

rambles, supernatural, fandom

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