Pointless Ramblings on Twilight

Jun 01, 2010 13:36

I hate Twilight.

It feels so good to say. It's subpar crap and I don't understand the fascination with it. It truly bothers me that it's such a big deal and I honestly 100% believe that it has killed the intrigue of vampires because of it there is a new spawn of vampire shit like that new series The Gates that's coming out this summer--seriously, stop--or that thing that's pretty much just Twilight in CW form Vampire Diaries. I think that nothing should be done in regards to vampires for say... a year or two and then maybe someone can do something.

I've always loved vampires and the myth related to them so of course I gave Twilight a chance, that and I was in high school when it came out so obviously everyone was talking about it. My friends all but forced me to read it. And after reading the first three and getting only partly done with the fourth (honest to god I couldn't take it anymore, I had to stop) these are the reason why I hate Twilight:
  1. It is poorly written. It isn't of literary worth at all. I'm not a picky person, I don't want everyone I read to be up to say Dostoevsky's level of something but I do want it to be worth reading because of the writing style and I swear there is no writing style. It's just words put together in simple sentences, hell, most of it is just dialogue. And swear, if I had to read that Edward looked like a greek god statue one more time I would have ripped the book apart. Seriously, learn new analogies Stephine Meyers.

  2. Bella sucks. She is not a role model for children, she's not even a really developed character. She's head over heels for Edward and the defines her existence, how pathetic. She's also really... pathetic. And she's supposed to be an average girl that anyone can relate to that's nothing special but as soon as she gets into town, what? Three or four guys fall for her? It's the opposite of what Stephine Meyers was originally going for, it's stupid. And more importantly, Bella is stupid. And, please, Bella Swan--beautiful swan? Really? Like the ugly duckling story or am I giving Mrs. Meyers too much credit? I'm probably giving her too much credit...

  3. Edward is a creeper! Please tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this. The guy is creepy, if I ever met him I'd run the other way. He's not charming, he's not at all what a girl should want in a boyfriend. Not at all. He's possessive, he won't let Bella go see Jacob for a really long time and takes apart her car to keep her from doing so (oh, but it was for her own good! bullshit). He stalked her and contrary to what people apparently believe that is creepy and a bad thing. Stalkers = bad. Girls need to understand that. If a guy watched me as I was sleeping for months and I figured it out only after he told me I would freak the shit out and call the police. That is what people should do. Oh, and he's not really a developed character either. But, hey, no one is developed in this story.

  4. It sets a terrible example for teen/tweens. Seriously, Bella and Edward's relationship is bullshit and bad, very bad. Edward is controlling and possessive and stalked her. Mrs. Meyers is essentially saying you should date then marry your stalker, not a good idea, people. I really can't get over the stalking factor, that was creepy. Then his whole possessive-ness and not allowing her to see Jacob pissed me off. That and Bella is not a role model, as I said before.

  5. Unrealistic. Well duh, right? But I'm not talking fantasy, I'm talking story development. Bella saw Edward and formed a crush, understandable, Edward saw Bella and formed a fascination, understandable (up until he started to watch her in her sleep). They fell in love like in a snap of the fingers and head over heels -I'll do anything for you even give up my life- love way too quickly. There was no development, it just happened in a blink of the eye and that doesn't happen. Even if it is love at first sight or whatever a good story has their relationship develop. But, hey, what am I thinking? Anything developing properly in this saga, oh me oh my that would be a miracle. Except for Jacob, he was a developed character and so was his relationship with Bella congrats to Mrs. Meyers for getting that part right.

  6. It destroyed vampires. This one is what really kills me. I've loved the vampire myth since I was young and read quite a few stories about it. Granted, I've never found one that I'm like "yes, this is the embodiment of all I look for in a vampire story!" but I understand that will probably never happen. It's such a versatile myth and everyone can have their own take on it, I like that about it. What I do not like and cannot accept are vampires twinkling like diamonds. Am I the only one that wants to call bullshit on that one? And now thanks to fucking Twilight and all its stupid fans and spin offs like Vampire Dairies and now The Gates, vampires have been destroyed and become too popular and thus diluted. People need to take a step back and a breather from them for a while.

Notice how I do not mention True Blood or the Sookie Stackhouse series as part of the destruction of vampire and why might I do that? Because dear Charlaine Harris is a good writer with an interesting story premise and the vampires are pretty kickass. I like that series and while I have my qualms with some things about it (like, I looooove Sam but I am apparently in the minority over the Sam x Sookie couple) I still like the story overall and will continue to eagerly await the next book to come out (though I was disappointed with the last a bit). I don't watch True Blood and can't because it's nothing like the books whatsoever and that bothers me like none other.

Well, I feel better after that rant. Perhaps I'm just blind to the awesome-ness of Twilight, but I doubt it.

rant, twilight

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