I simply don't get it...

May 10, 2010 22:10

I've noticed a terribly massive trend that's obviously existed since the start of the Inuyasha fandom and, to my surprise, even though the manga and anime are both finished and (spoiler) Kikyou perished while Inuyasha and Kagome ended up together, the hate is still there. Mostly for Kikyou and I just don't get it... are people that stupid? Proceed at your own risk of being insulted if your a hater of any kind. Feel free to argue with me if you'd like. I love a healthy, civil debate.

Kikyou Haters very rarely make any sense to me. Honestly, I think all those out there are just... well, bluntly stated, morons. I used to be a Kagome hater and can tell you how pointless it is, it was way back at the start. I think that those who hold grudges against her because she gets between Inuyasha and Kikyou are also foolish, too.

The simple fact is that if you are going to hate Kikyou because she gets in between Inuyasha and Kagome or if you are going to hate Kagome because she gets in between Kikyou and Inuyasha how about we put the blame where it belongs? On Inuyasha. Am I really the only one that sees he is the one to blame? Why aren't there Inuyasha haters when he's the one that causes both the girl's pain with his indecision, flaky self? Really, it's all him.

And, in my opinion, he hurts Kikyou the most so there's no need hate her for what in the end causes her an immense amount of pain. Kagome wins, obviously, so get over it and stop hating her. (There are far more Kikyou haters then there are Kagome haters, at least I have encountered more of the former, so that's why I barely addressed Kagome hating).

It's not fair to blame either of them for loving him. Kikyou was Inuyasha's first love, contrary to popular InuxKag fan's belief, they actually loved each other (in a lovely platonic fashion, in my opinion) and then Kagome came along during a messy time and fell in love with him and he developed affections for her. It's not fair to blame the girls for that. Inuyasha's fickle back-and-forth hurt both.

Now if you want to dislike a character on the bases of their character (their real, true character, because neither are whores in any fashion, I hate that people use that as a defense for hating either of them, tell me where in the manga/anime did either do anything more then kissing? Granted, I don't get why Kagome is always wearing her school girl uniform but that's not a basis for calling her a harlot). If that's it, then by all means, go ahead. I could see how someone thinks Kagome's too perfect (at times, I can sympathize with that) or that Kikyou is... cruel? Cold? Not perfect and a tinge of dark? I guess that's the complaint there. But then I don't understand why you'd like Sesshomaru. I guess I can't help it, I play favorites just like everyone else, I love/adore Kikyou the most.

Kikyou is a strong, independent, tragic woman that is always alone and after she was brought back to from death has a tinge of darkness in her. That's just the type of character I like, in all types of stories. I also like the not-good but not-bad girl over the obvious goody-goody hero. It's a personal preference. Kagome's fine, I hold no malice against her, obviously since a majority of my fanfics have her as the main character. I just think that the whole pointless, useless, detest over fictional characters is just... ugh. I suppose I should expect it and accept immaturity but...

Again, feel free to show me the error of my ways.

rant, kagome, fandom, kikyou

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