I thought I would update the LJ to my DISASTROUS progress on my
futa doll.
I realized, as I pulled my first casts, WHY these dolls are not sculpted originally in oil clay. I might have had more success if I hadn't made the mistake during the initial mold making to NOT spray mold release on the mold. That one mistake at the start has totally ruined the doll. @_____@
Because it was so hard to get the strips of metal off the rubber (it was stuck and in some places had to be cut off), I unintentionally warped the clay pieces. So when I repaired them, they were no longer symetrical.
Unfortunately, this was particularly bad in the most important place- the face. The mold is a good 1/4 off on one side.
Casting hollow is also very difficult. @_@ We ran into numerous problems and had to recast so many times just to get the first untinted resin doll. It was so difficult, in fact, that I scrapped the idea of doing dolls for my senior project. Instead, I'm gluing all the pieces together and making her a "Birth of Venus" sculpture (I'm building a giant nautilus shell for her to be falling out of).
I still have the first hollow cast, which I am going to sand and finish for my personal collection (I went through all the trouble of making this damn doll I'm at least going to keep one).
She is 26" tall from top of head to heel. I took a few disasterous pictures to share, and I'll have more once I complete the sculpture and then my personal doll.
From the first cast:
Ohhhh Kelsey and I were too impatient on the legs and made the resin to runny. :(
Notice how off the face is? UGGGHHHHH. It will require so much sanding ;_;
This is from my most recent cast, the face coat has bronze powder in it, so when I buff it and petina it, it will look just like bronze XD Theoretically. Haven't tried this yet. XD
HEAD. FUCKING HUGE. I'm so angry. >:O She looked fine in the clay. T____T I'm hoping the wig will hide the bulbous head when I get around to making it. This one is cast solid for the sculpture and weighs.. ooohhhh... 30lbs. @_@
A close up with my awful iphone. T_T
So.. yeah. I'm not happy with the results, but I'm trying to make it work considering I've invested over 60 hours between sculpting and molds. :\