Bad luck month indeed. I honestly am beginning to believe something is in the water.
My grandfather passed away a little over a week ago and I've been rather distracted with everything going on. My little sister is coping better at least; she was inconsolable for the first week. The funeral was the 6th. A small family affair. Not a lot of people outside of immediate family were there. I think a few doctors my grandfather worked with. I was introduced, but I'm afraid I was too detached to remember their names.
Fujiyama-chan and I ended up going to some masquerade ball on Friday evening. Apparently I talked with Niou-kun while he was in costume. I honestly didn't think it was him -- I had never seen him with his natural hair color before. It was a tad bit shocking, but it doesn't wash him out nearly as much as he says it does.
He is so ridiculously frustrating. One minute he wants a break. And I, trying to be a good boyfriend, oblige him so that he can figure out what he wants. Because it's always about what he wants. Because he is the one that is utterly unsure of what he wants anyway.
I don't care if he's mad at me for getting a girlfriend, but if he could actually grow up a bit, it would be so much easier to deal with him. I'm almost glad we broke up. I was so tired of being the only one who actually cared.
(ooc: so Niou and Yagyuu broke up and Yagyuu got a girlfriend and Niou isn't all that pleased... Oh, Yagyuu's g/f = total NPC. I totally made Yagyuu participate in bad luck month...)