I've been asked to come in a bit later than my intended usual starting time on my first day, presumably because they need to make some preparations for me and don't want me to sit around staring into space until everything's ready, so I got a bit of time to write this morning. And I realised that I missed an anniversary of sorts earlier this month: on June the 7th of 2004, I started my Livejournal and wrote
my very first entry. It was about how I was succumbing to "peer pressure" because Livejournals were a thing at the time and everyone was making one.
How times have changed, sadly. Nowadays it's all about Facebook and most of my friends list has more or less disappeared from Livejournal. But I'm one of the few who's still here, tapping away... at irregular intervals admittedly, and I did take one big break of several months back at the end of 2007/early 2008, but overall I've been pretty good at keeping this place at least loosely up-to-date. I suppose it comes more naturally to me than to some others, as writing is basically my therapy. I do wish this place would feel less lonely these days than it does though.
Still, ten years... I can go back and look at
what I thought on my 21st birthday, for god's sake. It's certainly fascinating to have such a long record of my thoughts. Some of those old posts read like I could've written them only yesterday, but others seem pretty alien to me now from a distance. I remember some years ago someone advertised a service to get your Livejournal printed out in book form. The ten year mark certainly seems like a good time to do so (if that service even still exists), but I don't know... I'd really like to make sure that all these memories are kept safe somehow, independent of the company's servers, but I'm not sure how well the format would translate into book form. I think of all the broken image links I must have accumulated in some of my older posts and cringe at the idea of what that mess would look like on paper.