so this week

Oct 03, 2009 03:12

i've heard numerous people and news reports about how the obama administration is trying to pass some new laws hoping to make "school days longer and summer breaks shorter."
It has come to my attention that the idea of makign summer breaks shorter is not actually the deal, the plan is to spread out vacation days more evenly in order to not leave kids with this 3-4 month break in which they run free and honestly forget stuff. While this plan does mean less days in the sun it means more in the winter.

I have had this argument with many people ll of them saying thats bullshit kids need break, fuck obama blah blah blah
I, however, am in support of this plan for many reasons,
a.) look at our economy, this economy is a result of kids slacking off, forgetting shit over summer break and growing up to run companies like merill lynch and wall street
b)its only a few more hours a day, i have a younger step brother and sister, they go to school from 8 to 3, well thats a good 8 hours, they get home at 330 watch tv till 630 when their mom get home spends maybe 30 minutes to an hour doing homework, then its dinner and tv until they sleep about 930, then waking up the next morning at 6:30  thats 6 hours of tv and 9 hours of sleep, 5 days a week. of course weekends theyre ranging in a good 10-12 hours of sleep a night and atleast 6-8 hours of tv, i mean they 7 and 5 what else are they gonna do
so to total it up thats not even 40 hours of school if you count in breaks, lunch, recess blah blah, atleast 42 hours of tv and 65+ hours of sleep.
now lets look at a normal chinese school day, they tend to go to class from 7:40 am and have 9 40 minute classes, classes then resume at 2:30 pm and continue till 5:40 pm, after that the students attend formal classes such as robotics, science, music, sports, etc after that  the students go home, eat dinner, then most students attend training classes at 9pm then return home and study the 12 or 1 am,
while i admit thats alot of school for a child, but i mean hey were supposed to be american, the best or whatever other people say.

c) lastly this is my real reason for supporting more school for people, this is a text i got in its full
this is a direct quote

MSG: ObAmA is trying 2 pas a  law 4 longer skool ours an a 4 week summr. if u tink tis sucks put yo intals n keep it goin!"
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