I move away from the keyboard to write

Sep 17, 2007 10:25

I am, it has to be confessed, waging a silent war against my postwoman. I'm allowed to be politically incorrect, I'm a 1950's housewife, you're just damn lucky I haven't forced a cool creamy laramie between your lips for health reasons.

Every day she opens my gate, posts my post and walks out without closing the gate. It's not so difficult really is it?

Anyway, for those of you aware, I've been in hospital, I got a good dose of morphine for the experience, so it wasn't a complete waste. I'm ok, although the issue is as yet unresolved, still got the random pain, never mind, that which does not kill us makes us stronger, or so the beer advert says.

I spent the weekend catching up on Heros, so now I'm up-to-date on it all. I missed a couple and decided to wait. I confess I adore Hiro, and yet there's something about Ando that appeals too. I'm *such* a geek lover...
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