Note to Self: What rhymes with purple? Or orange?
Daily Obsession: Me, and I'm bloody worthy of my own obsession damn you!
Daily Object of Use: Cashiers money bags
Song Stuck in my Head: Andy Williams - Music to Watch Girls By
You can not walk down the main street in your town or city without being pounced on at least twice by people in orange or green jackets. This is no bad thing, however I believe they’re doing it all wrong.
When you’re hunting you wear clothes that will blend you into your surroundings. Deer hunters wear brown or green, duck hunters wear rushes, man hunters wear very little, and clown hunters wear tiny cars and bails of water.
Why is it therefore that when you’re hunting people to give money to charity you wear a piece of clothing that does not mesh you into your surroundings? In fact would not even disguise you if you were wandering around a retirement home and all the residents were blind? They’d still be able to spot you!
I’m shocked, stunned, and possibly a little amazed.
I’d do it differently, oh boy would I! it wouldn’t even involve a bee costume, after all you can’t hunt people dressed like a bee. They’d notice you for one thing.
No no, this is simply not the way to go about it. You need to dress as something inconspicuous, like a post box, or one of those movable signs you see outside shops displaying their special deals, or the guy with that long pole and a sandwich board that says “This way to great golf savings!”. Have you ever noticed they’re all for music shops or golf shops? Isn’t that weird?
Anyway, that’s the way they should go about it, not doubt about it.
Make it so, Number One!
it’s almost Christmas. Wee! (enjoy [but be kind to my bandwidth, not all at once, ok?] it needs sound).